
yì suì wù pǐn
  • fragile;breakables
  1. 模压或制造好的PE可提供优良的冲击和振动减少能力,从而使之适合用于高价值或易碎物品的缓冲。

    Moulded or fabricated PE offers superior shock and vibration reduction capacities , making it suitable for cushioning ? high value or ? fragile items .

  2. 博物馆的陈列橱里贮藏了所有易碎物品。

    The museum stored all frangible articles in a locked showcase .

  3. 易碎物品,尤其是玻璃,需要特殊包装。

    Fragile goods in particular glasses , need special packing .

  4. 盒子上标示着易碎物品。

    1 the box was marked " fragile " .

  5. 请问这里面有贵重或易碎物品吗?

    Is there anything valuable or breakable in it ?

  6. 请将行李中的贵重物品和易碎物品取出。

    Please take out the valuables and fragile items .

  7. 你的箱子里有易碎物品吗?

    Is there any breakable in your suitcase ?

  8. 请把那些易碎物品放一边。

    Please leave those fragile objects alone .

  9. 好的,先生,包裹里有没有贵重或易碎物品?

    C : Certainly , sir . Is there anything valuable or breakable in the package ?

  10. 我认为我们应该用木质的盒子来包装,因为花瓶是易碎物品。

    I think we should use wooden boxes to case them , because they are fragile .

  11. 内放精致易碎物品的包裹完好无损地到达。

    The delicate package arrived intact .

  12. 规范易碎物品管理以及意外爆裂时需要采取的行动措施。

    To standardize the fragile object management and the actions to take in case of unexpected crackling .

  13. 使用牛皮纸包装并使牛皮纸折皱,以填充轻到中等重量、非易碎物品的包裹内的空隙。

    Kraft paper is wrapped and crumpled to fill empty space inside a package with light to medium weight , non-fragile items .

  14. 但我们讲的是衬衣。衬衣不是易碎物品。而且纸箱轻便,容易搬运。

    But we 're only talking about shirts . They 're not fragile goods . Besides , cartons are light and easy to handle .

  15. 他们发现,通常情况下他们这款假手表现更好,尤其是在抓取易碎物品、抚摸猫和握手等精细动作方面。

    Normally , they found , it worked better - particularly for delicate tasks like handling fragile objects , petting a cat and shaking hands .

  16. 多层纸(非新闻纸或白报纸)衬垫,最适合于包装中等尺寸到大尺寸的非易碎物品以及那些可能需要吸收湿气的物品。

    Multi-layered ( not-newspaper or newsprint ) paper padding ideal for wrapping medium to large sized , non-fragile items and those that may require moisture absorption .

  17. 我声明在所寄存的行李中没有任何贵重和易碎物品,否则宾馆不需对其损坏和遗失负责。

    I hereby state that no precious or fragile items inside the luggage consigned and the hotel takes no responsibility for any damage or loss that occurs .

  18. 如果你要搬走或挪动重物和易碎物品时,你身边的人一定会叮嘱你要加小心或轻拿轻放。

    If you have to move or carry heavy or fragile objects around , the people around you will want to ensure that you do it carefully and gently .

  19. 把所有值钱的东西和易碎的物品都收起来。

    Put away any valuable or breakable objects .

  20. 在我的梳妆室里,一切易碎的物品都已经收藏起来了。

    In my dressing-room everything breakable had been stowed away .

  21. 陶器是容易碎的;易碎的物品应该仔细的包装。

    Earthenware pottery is breakable ; breakable articles should be packed carefully .

  22. adj.易碎的易碎物品,请小心轻放。

    fragile Fragile items inside . Please handle with care .

  23. 为了您和他人的安全,请不要携带易燃、易爆、易碎和笨重物品乘车。

    For your safety and security , please don 't carry inflammable , explosive , fragile or heavy articles on board .

  24. 您的行李里面有易碎或贵重的物品吗?

    May I know are there any breakable or valuables inside your luggage ?