
  • 网络Aircraft seat;air seat
  1. 可降低飞机座椅重量的PPS复合材料

    PPS composite slashes weight in aircraft seats

  2. 飞机座椅弹射试验用测试系统设计

    Testing system design for the fighter seat ejection examination

  3. 提高飞机座椅的保护作用研究

    A Study on Improving the Protection of Aircraft Chairs

  4. 民用运输类飞机座椅垫国产代用品的适航管理

    The Airworthiness Management for Replacement of Civil Transport Seat Cushions with Domestic Products

  5. 喷丸强化用于飞机座椅轨道防腐

    Shot-Peening for Preventing From Corrosion of Aircraft Seat Track

  6. 英国一家公司设计出可调整宽度的飞机座椅来适应旅客体形。

    A British company has come up with adjustable plane seats you can book to suit your shape and size .

  7. 国防部长尼尔森·若宾说,观察到的碎片包括在相隔较远的飞机座椅,电线和金属。

    The minister , Nelson Jobim , said the debris which appeared to include aircraft seats as well as wires and metal stretched over a wide area .

  8. 织制结果显示,所得八层板材织物具有一定厚度和足够的层间剪切应力,可以作为预制件用于汽车和飞机座椅坐垫等产业领域。

    Weaving manufacturing display , the result of eight layer plate material has specified thickness and enough shearing stress between two layers , and can used for industrial territorys such as motor vehicle , airplane cushion and so on .

  9. 家人和夫妻都坐在一起只有巨型喷气式飞机的座椅才会排到K还有55排所以机顶上还有一层

    Families and couples sitting together . Only a Jumbo 's wide enough for a letter ' K ' or rows past 55 , so there 's always an upstairs .

  10. 为给新型高性能飞机弹射座椅的气动性能研究提供依据,在中国空气动力研究与发展中心低速所8m×6m风洞进行了此新型高性能飞机弹射座椅1:1模型的空气动力特性试验研究。

    To provide a sound basis for research on the aerodynamic performance of the ejection seat , the test of aerodynamic characteristics of full scale ejection seat model in 8m × 6m low speed wind tunnel of CARDC is introduced in this paper .

  11. 民用飞机驾驶员座椅动态特性分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Performance of the Pilot Seats in Civil Transport Airplane

  12. 他们可能用胶合板和其它现有飞机的座椅进行试验。

    They could do that using plywood and a seat out of an existing airplane .

  13. 飞机弹射座椅升降系统从动齿杆副的研磨技术

    Lapping Technology of a Driven Toothed Bar Pair of Rise and Fall System of Aircraft Ejection Seat

  14. 在被发现的物品中有一个飞机的座椅,一件救生衣,一些金属碎片和水面浮油。

    Among the objects observed , an airplane seat , a life jacket , pieces of metal and an oil slick .

  15. 动态人体模型是很多破坏性试验(如汽车碰撞试验、飞机弹射座椅研制试验、跳伞试验、直升飞机着地试验等)中一项重要的测试工具。

    Dynamic human phantom is an essential testing tool of many destructive experiments such as automobile impacting experiments , chair launching experiments of plane , parachute jumping experiments , helicopter landing experiments .

  16. 科恩说,争议在于联邦航空管理局没有针对飞机上座椅间距小于29英寸的情况进行紧急状况疏散测试。

    At issue , Mr. Cohen said , is that the Federal Aviation Administration hasn 't conducted emergency evacuation tests on airlines with a distance between rows of less than 29 inches .

  17. 针对飞机弹射座椅升降系统从动齿杆副的研磨技术问题,讨论了研具、研磨剂和研磨用量,通过试验完善了研磨技术,获得了预期的效果。

    According to the problems of the lapping technology of a driven toothed bar pair of rise and fall system of aircraft ejection seat , the abrasive tool , abrasive material and lapping amount are discussed . The lapping technology is perfected and the required results are obtained through tests .

  18. TVC火箭包作为飞机弹射救生座椅推进动力的可能性

    The possibility of using TVC rocket-propelled installation as the propulsion power of ejection seat

  19. Pliance系统用于较为柔软的表面之间的压力测量,现最主要应用于测量飞机和汽车座椅、办公椅和轮椅的表面压力分布。

    Novel system can measure the relatively soft surface pressure mainly in these field such as aircraft and car seats , office chairs and wheelchairs .

  20. 它的用处可大了,可以用来在飞机上清洁座椅,也可以帮你在酒店里收拾烂摊子。

    They come in so handy from wiping down your seat on the airplane to even cleaning up messes at hotels .

  21. 有这么一个新航班,飞机上没有座椅和空姐,在起飞前还会领着顾客散散步。想要坐上去?

    There 's a new airline that has no security lines , no middle seats and flight attendants who even take customers for a walk before they fly .

  22. 他说,在20世纪70年代放松管制之前,飞机上的座椅是18英寸宽(一英寸约合2.54厘米——译注),之后被减少为16.5英寸;座椅间隔曾经是35英寸,也被减少为31英寸。

    Seats were 18 inches wide before airline deregulation in the 1970s and have since been whittled to 16 and a half inches , he said , while seat pitch used to be 35 inches and has decreased to about 31 inches .

  23. 飞机也配备弹射座椅去改善安全。

    The aircraft is also fitted with ejection seats to improve the safety .

  24. 飞机维修主要是提出了虚拟维修的流程,并通过某飞机发动机及机舱座椅为例进行验证,大大提高维修的效率。

    The virtual maintenance is put forward in aircraft maintenance which can greatly improve the efficiency of the maintenance , and it was verified in the maintenance of a certain aeroengine and the cabin seats .