
  1. 他因驾驶的单翼飞机失速坠地而丧生。

    He was killed when his monoplane stalled and dived into the ground .

  2. MD-82飞机失速系统故障分析与处理

    Analyze and Deal with the Stall Warning System Breakdown of MD-82

  3. J-7(Ⅱ)型飞机失速/过失速/尾旋特性预测计算

    The predicting calculation for aircraft j-7 (ⅱ) 's stall / post-stall / spin characteristics

  4. JJ-5飞机失速/尾旋特性数值计算和图像显示研究

    The study of JJ-5 stall and spin characteristics digital simulation and image display

  5. 1992年3月22日,全美航空公司(USAir)405次班机在严寒天气下从拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardiaAirport)起飞。几分钟后飞机失速并紧急着陆,导致27名乘客死亡。

    On March 22 1992 , USAir flight 405 departed from LaGuardia Airport in icy conditions and a few minutes later stalled and crash-landed , killing 27 passengers .

  6. 所以在降落时,飞机失速了。

    That 's why the plane stalled on its descend .

  7. 飞机失速/偏离问题研究的技术途径

    The technical approaches to investigation of stall / departure problems of aircraft

  8. 螺旋桨涡流对飞机失速/尾旋特性的影响

    Propeller swirl effect for aircraft stall - spin characteristic

  9. 飞机失速/尾旋特性的预测和试验研究

    Prediction and test of aircraft stall / spin characteristics

  10. 没有经验的飞行员很容易使他的飞机失速。

    An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his plane .

  11. 民用飞机失速速度的工程预测

    The stall speed engineering estimation for civil aircraft

  12. MИΓ&21型飞机失速/尾旋飞行试验

    Stall / Spin Flight Testing for Mig-21 Aircraft

  13. 本文首先介绍了飞机失速/尾旋的物理成因。

    Physical cause of stall / spin of aircraft is comprehensively introduced in this paper .

  14. 寒冷的天气使飞机失速而失去控制了。

    The cold weather stalled the plane .

  15. 飞机失速/螺旋模型自由飞试验总体方案构想中几个问题的分析

    Analyses of some problems in overall conception of aircraft stall / spin model free flight test

  16. 飞机失速了,翻了一个跟头,坠毁在机场环形围栏附近。

    The plane stalled , # cc0066 > flipped over onto its back and crashed near the perimeter .

  17. 本文通过对动力装置可靠性分析,对飞机失速尾旋飞行试验提供了可靠性结论。

    This paper provides the conclusion of reliability on aircraft stall spin flight test through reliability analysis of power plant .

  18. 低聚岩藻多糖的制备及抗寒诱导效应研究寒冷的天气使飞机失速而失去控制了。

    Studies on Preparation of Fucoidan Oligosaccharide and Its Role in Eliciting the Cold-resistance ; The cold weather stalled the plane .

  19. (指飞行器)(因失速)失控下降寒冷的天气使飞机失速而失去控制了。

    ( of an aircraft ) get out of control and start to drop because of loss of speed The cold weather stalled the plane .

  20. 研究超音速飞机失速和尾旋的机理预防和改出方法,是提高超音速战斗机作战能力和保障飞行安全的重要手段。

    Study of the mechanism , prevention and recovering methods of stall and spin for supersonic fighter is a important means to improve battle ability and keep a safe flight .

  21. 本文介绍了一种根据FAR25的定义,在飞行试验之前预测民用飞机失速速度的工程估算方法。

    This paper introduces a method of stall speed engine (?) ring estimation for civil aircraft , that bases on the definition in FAR part 25 and with that predicts the stall speed of civil aircraft before flight test .

  22. RSS飞机深失速仿真研究

    The Simulation Study of Deep-Stall Characteristics for RSS Airplane

  23. 推力矢量飞机过失速机动仿真研究及大迎角非线性控制律设计

    Research on Flight and Control of the TV Fighter 's Post-Stall Maneuvers

  24. 飞机深失速改出特性

    A study of deep - stall recovery characteristics of aircraft

  25. 推力矢量飞机过失速动态边界和敏捷性研究

    Post Stall Dynamic Boundaries and Agility Research for Thrust Vector Controlled Aircraft

  26. 某型飞机模型失速/尾旋飞行试验技术

    Flight Test Technique for Certain Model Airplane 's Stall / Spin Motion

  27. 推力矢量控制与飞机过失速机动仿真研究

    A Study on the Thrust Vectoring Control and Aircraft 's Post Stall Maneuver

  28. 无尾飞机翼尖失速问题研究

    Analysis of Wingtip Stalling for Tailless Aircraft

  29. 利用具有非线性气动力的简化运动方程,分析了飞机深失速特性;

    Simplified equations of motion with nonlinear aerodynamics are utilized for aircraft deep stall analysis .

  30. 保持飞机处于失速状态

    Keep the aircraft stalled