
  1. 纪昌向飞卫学射箭。

    Ji Chang learned archery from Fei Wei .

  2. 纪昌张开弓,一箭便轻而易举的将狮子射穿。飞卫得之结果后,对这个徒弟极为满意。

    Ji Chang stretched the bow and slit3 up the louse with an arrow easily , at the knowledge of which Fei Wei as very satisfied with the student .

  3. 飞卫也没有传授具体的射箭技巧,却要求他必须学会盯住目标而眼睛不眨动。

    Fei Wei did not teach Ji Chang the specific techniques of toxophily , instead , he asked Ji Chang to learn to stare at the target , without blinking .

  4. 飞卫又进一步要求纪昌练眼力,标准是将远处体积较小的东西能清晰的放大,就像是在近处看到一样。

    Fei Wei then asked Ji Chang to practice hi eyesight , and the goal was to magnify the distant small object so that they appeared as if they were nearby .

  5. 纪昌跑去告诉飞卫。

    Ji Chang ran to tell this to Fei Wei .

  6. 飞卫说:“这还不行。

    Fei Wei said : " This is not enough .

  7. 有个名叫纪昌的人,跑来向飞卫学艺。

    A man named Ji Chang came to Fei Wei to learn archery .

  8. 纪昌高兴地把练习的结果报告了飞卫。

    Ji Chang gladly reported the result of his training to Fei Wei .

  9. 飞卫对纪昌说:“你必须首先练习不眨眼睛。

    Fei Wei said to Ji Chang : " You must first train your eyes not to blink .

  10. 他的徒弟名叫飞卫,勤学苦练,射箭的技艺胜过了老师

    His disciple , named Fei Wei , learned diligently and practised hard , and surpassed his teacher in archery .

  11. 飞卫高兴地拍着他的胸膛说:“你啊!真的学到射箭的本领了!”

    Fei Wei gladly patted him on the chest and said : " You have really mastered the skill of archery . "

  12. 就照着飞卫的话,仰天躺在他妻子的织布机下,眼睛紧盯着一上一下的脚踢子。

    Following Fei Wei 's instructions , he lay face up under his wife 's loom , with his eyes fixed on the foot tweezers moving up and down .