
  • 【大气】normal flow year
  1. 冬小麦水分满足系数Wdm在平水年及干旱年型下分别为0.91和0.74。

    The water meeting index , Wdm was 0.91 and 0.74 in normal and dry years , respectively .

  2. 1996年属平水年,生长季末土壤水盈余18mm;

    The year 1996 was a normal flow year , and soilwater had a surplus of 18 mm at the end of the growing season .

  3. 对净灌溉供水量NIR进行频率分析,确定了平水年(50%)、中等干旱年(75%)以及干旱年(95%)的烟草生育期的需水量和有效降雨量。

    By analyzing frequency of net irrigation water supply , water requirement and effect rainfall of tobacco growth stage in moderate year ( 50 % ) , medium dry year ( 75 % ) and dry year ( 95 % ) were confirmed .

  4. 结果表明,极旱年地下生物量的峰值达到1249g·m-2,比平水年峰值586g·m-2高1倍多。

    The results indicated that the peak value of underground biomass reached 1249 g · m - 2 in extremely arid year , higher than that in normal year ( 586 g · m - 2 ) .

  5. 平水年,深根系区与浅根系区土壤水分变化差异表现在30cm深度以下,而丰水年其差异主要表现在土壤表层(0~30cm);

    The large differences on soil water between deep-root and shallow-root plant plots could be seen in the surface layer ( 0 ~ 30 cm ) in rainy year , but under 30 cm depth in average year .

  6. 无论平水年还是丰水年,深根系区土壤水分变幅均比浅根系区大。

    The variation ranges of soil water in the deep-root plant plots were wider than those of shallow-root plant plots .

  7. 在平水年,降水可满足幼树生长需要,补充灌水虽可促进春梢生长,但对提早开花结实有负作用;

    In normal year , the precipitation could meet the water needs of young trees , while supplemental irrigation could increase spring shoot growth but was unfavorable to blossoming .

  8. 不同水文年的丰水期硝氮浓度以丰水年最高,平水年次之,枯水年最低。

    The concentration of nitrate in high water season in wet years is highest , in mean year take the second place , and in dry year is lowest .

  9. 地表水的污染风险大于地下水,稻季的污染风险大于麦季,丰水年的污染风险大于平水年。

    The risk is higher to surface water than to groundwater , in the rice season than in the wheat season , and in years with excessive rainfall than in those with normal rainfall .

  10. 平水期个人年总风险约是丰水期的6倍。

    The health risk of PAHs in the level period was six times than abundant water period .

  11. 并研究了仅由均值变化引起的这两个流域丰水、平水及枯水年出现的概率变化。

    The probability of annual runoff for high , normal , and low flow years due to the change of mean annual runoff was studied .