
  • 网络plane stress state;state of plane stress;Biaxial stress-state or plane stress-state
  1. 平面应力状态下判断主应力方位的新探索

    A New Approach to Determine the Orientation of the Principal Stress under the State of Plane Stress

  2. 据称该物体处于平面应力状态或二维应力状态或双轴应力状态。

    A body is said to be in a state of plane stress or alternatively in a two-dimensional or biaxial state of stress .

  3. 平面应力状态下J积分与KⅠ关系的推导

    The derivation of relationship between J integral and K_ ⅰ in view of the plane stress state

  4. 利用Mohr圆求平面应力状态下任意斜截面上应力图解法的一个建议

    A proposal of graphic method that stress on any inclined section under plane stress is solved by using Mohr circle

  5. 利用Hill条件和扰动场理论,建立了平面应力状态下复合材料有效柔度的平移性质的普适微分方程,所得方程与复合材料微结构形状和分布无关。

    Based on the Hill 's condition and field fluctuation approach , a set of universal differential equations are derived for the shift property of the effective compliances of planar composites in plane stress state . The derived equations are independent of the distribution and the shape of the microstructures .

  6. 对于平面应力状态下,在Huber-Mises型弹性-理想塑性材料中Ⅰ型裂纹定常扩展时裂纹尖端附近应力应变场的渐近分析问题作了评述。

    Reviewed is the asymptotic analysis of the near tip field for a steady state mode I growing crack in Huber-Mises type of clastic-perfectly plastic materials under plane stress conditions .

  7. 确定平面应力状态主应力方向的四个解析法

    Four analytical methods defining main stress direction of plane stress state

  8. 平面应力状态平面应变状态的复数分析方法

    Complex Number Analysis Method for Plane Stress State and Plane Strain State

  9. 在平面应力状态下,未观测到明显的局部化剪切带图案。

    In plane stress condition , no obvious shear band is observed .

  10. 环氧树脂浇注体在平面应力状态下的变形和强度

    Deformation and strength for epoxy cast in plane stress state

  11. 平面应力状态下浆砌石的强度和变形特性

    Strength and deformation characteristics of mortar laid stone works under plane stress condition

  12. 平面应力状态下应变分析的研究

    The analysis and study of strain under the state of flate surface stress

  13. 平面应力状态下主方向角的确定

    Exploration for Determining Principal Stresses Angle under Plane Stresses

  14. 平面应力状态斜截面上应力复数表达式及应用

    Plane stress on inclined plane expressed in complex number form and its application

  15. 三种平面应力状态叠加及联合构造体系

    Superposition of three kinds of plane stress state and the combined tectonic system

  16. 平面应力状态最大主应力方向的剪应力判别法

    Identification Method of Shearing Stress of Maximal Principal Stress Direction in Plane Stress Problems

  17. 压电材料平面应力状态的直线裂纹问题一般解

    A general solution of the plane stress problems in piezoelectric media with line cracks

  18. 塑性平面应力状态的压缩有心场

    Centered compressive fan field in plane plastic stress

  19. 确定平面应力状态主平面位置的一个补充规定

    Supplementary Regulations on Deciding the Place of Main Plain in the State of Plain Stree

  20. 关于弹性理论平面应力状态的讨论

    Discussion on Plane Stress Problem in Elasticity

  21. 平面应力状态下混凝土的本构模型

    Constitutive model for concrete under plane stress

  22. 平面应力状态下主应力与主平面对应关系研究&锐角判别法

    Study on the correspondence relation between principal stress and principal plane under plane stress condition

  23. 基于弹塑性形变理论的拼焊板平面应力状态本构关系研究

    Research on constitutive relations of planar stress state of pieces-welded plate based on elastoplastic deformation theory

  24. 平面应力状态中最大应力极值方向的判别

    Distinguishing method with regard to the direction of the maximal stress extremes in the plane stress state

  25. 当退化至平面应力状态时,此应力场也满足协调方程。

    In the limiting case of plane stress conditions the assuned stresses also satisfy the compatibility conditions .

  26. 文章给出了一种判断平面应力状态主应力方向的简便方法。

    In the article , a simple method is discussed to confirm the principal Stress direction un-den the plane stress condition .

  27. 并发现在平面应力状态下,梁的梯度效应略强于平面应变状态。

    Results also show that the scale effect in plane stress state is slightly stronger than that in plane strain state .

  28. 通过科学的方法建立一套处于平面应力状态的活性粉末混凝土构件(如受弯构件的弯剪段)的安全设计,双向拉压应力状态下的强度准则是必需的。

    Strength criterion for biaxial tension-compression is necessary to the scientific safety design of reactive powder concrete members under plane stress state .

  29. 文章给出了正交异性材料线性无量纲屈服准则的一般形式和平面应力状态下的特殊形式。

    The paper has discussed the liner dimensionless yield criterion of orthotropic metals , with its general expression and special form on the plate stress .

  30. 得到的平面应力状态下混凝土的弹-粘塑性动态本构模型,具有广泛的适用性,其简化结果与试验数据吻合较好。

    The plane stress state of the concrete elastic-viscoplastic dynamic constitutive model has a broad applicability , the simplification results are in good agreement with test datas .