
  • 网络Polarimeter;GDX
  1. 移相式激光偏振仪的原理及误差分析

    Principles and Error Analysis of Phase Shifted Laser Polarimeter

  2. 设计和研制了一套全光纤在线偏振参量测试系统,该系统由全光纤偏振控制器、全光纤在线偏振仪等组成。

    Designed and built an all fiber in-line polarization parameter testing system . The main portions of this system are the all fiber polarization controller and the all fiber in-line polarimeter .

  3. 射电偏振仪PПy&1的结构及其工作原理

    The Structure and Working Principle of P П Y-1 Radio Polarization Meter

  4. 结合椭圆偏振仪、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子力显微镜(AFM)等测试手段研究了薄膜特性。

    The characterization of film is investigated by means of spectroscopic ellipsometry , X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ), scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) .

  5. 分振幅光偏振仪(DOAP)是一种高速测量光波偏振态的传感器。

    The division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter ( DOAP ) is a sensor that can rapidly determine the polarization state of the incident light .

  6. 测试结果表明:采用该电子学系统的分振幅光偏振仪具有测量速度快、精度高、安装方便等优点,测量时间小于10-3s,斯托克斯参数的平均偏差小于1%。

    The experimental results show that the measurement time of the DOAP is less than 10-3s , and that the mean deviations of the measured and theoretical Stokes parameters are less than 1 % .

  7. 报导了一台自制的荧光偏振仪。

    A home - made fluorescence polarization instrument is reported .

  8. 前节补偿不足对激光扫描偏振仪测量的影响

    Effects of inadequate anterior segment compensation on measurements with scanning laser polarimetry

  9. 椭圆偏振仪测量薄膜厚度和折射率

    Thin Film Material Thickness and Refractive Index Measurement by Elliptical Polarization Instrument

  10. 基于神经网络的分振幅光偏振仪的数据处理

    Data Processing Method for the Division-of-Amplitude Photopolarimeter Based on an Artificial Neural Network

  11. 具有变化角膜补偿的激光扫描偏振仪及在检测青光眼视神经病变中的作用

    Scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation and detection of glaucomatous optic neuropathy

  12. 扫描激光偏振仪出现不典型双折射模式的预测因素

    Predictors of Atypical Birefringence Patterns in Scanning Laser Polarimetry

  13. 瞳孔散大对具有可调角膜补偿功能的激光扫描偏振仪检查的影响

    The effect of pupil dilation on scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation

  14. 椭圆偏振仪在纳米测量技术中的应用

    Application of Ellipsometer in the Field of Nano-measurement

  15. 基于线性神经网络的高速光偏振仪

    High-speed photopolarimeter based on a linear neural network

  16. 激光扫描偏振仪测量视网膜神经纤维层厚度预测青光眼性视野损害

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements with scanning laser polarimetry predict glaucomatous visual field loss

  17. 自制光学解偏振仪在高聚物测试中的应用

    Application of an improved depolarized light intensity instrument ( dlii ) in studies of polymers

  18. 运用各种角膜补偿的激光扫描偏振仪检测局限性视野缺损的青光眼

    Scanning laser polarimetry using variable corneal compensation in the detection of glaucoma with localized visual field defects

  19. 旋转元件式自动椭圆偏振仪

    A Rotating Element Ellipsometer

  20. 用椭圆偏振仪测试不同波长下的复折射率和复介电常数及纳米膜的厚度;

    The complex index of refraction , complex dielectric constant and thickness of nanofilm at different wavelength were all measured by ellipsometer .

  21. 利用红外吸收光谱、俄歇电子能谱、椭圆偏振仪及C&V测试等分析方法研究了氮化硅膜的成份和性能。

    The component and characteristics of film have been studied by means of Infrared Spectroscopy , Auger Electron Spectroscopy , Ellipsometry and C-V measurement .

  22. 在对二氧化硅薄膜的测试中,该测试方法与椭圆偏振仪的测试结果相比较,其纵向测量误差小于2nm。

    In the testing for silicon dioxide film , the thickness testing error is within 2 nm compared with the results obtained from ellipsometry .

  23. 我们在真空镀膜机上装置了一套旋转检偏器式的自动光度椭圆偏振仪,对蒸发中的薄膜进行实时偏振测量。

    An automatic photometric ellipsometer with a rotating analyser was constructed on a coating plant for in-situ inhomogeneity measurement of thin film during deposition .

  24. 分振幅光偏振测量仪(DOAP)是高速测量光偏振的传感器,它利用振幅分割原理,能够同时近似实时地测量出描述光偏振态的所有4个Stokes参数。

    The division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter is a high-speed polarization sensor that is employed the time-resolved measurement of the complete state of polarization of light , as represented by the four Stokes parameters .

  25. 两级喇曼压缩系统配偏振干涉仪诊断等离子体电子密度

    Plasma electron density diagnosis by Nomarski interferometer with Raman compression cascade system

  26. 纳米激光偏振干涉仪

    Nanometer Laser Polarizing Interferometer

  27. 分振幅光偏振测量仪

    Review of Division-of-Amplitude Photopolarimeter

  28. 介绍了利用椭圆偏振测量仪原理测试生物芯片的检测方法。

    In this paper , we study the detecting methods for testing the biochip by using the theory of ellipsometer .

  29. 传统的偏振测量仪由于采用单光路测量系统,测量精度受光源稳定性限制较大。

    The single optical path measuring system is adopted in traditional polarimeter and its precision is not high , mainly affected by the instability of light source .

  30. 多角度偏振CCD成像仪航空试验设计及实现

    The Aerial Experiment Designing of Multi-angle Polarization CCD Imager and Implementation