
piān tóu ténɡ
  • migraine;brow ague
  1. 严重的偏头疼可以用一种收缩血管的药物进行治疗。

    Severe migraine can be treated with a drug which constricts the blood vessels

  2. 你好象又犯了偏头疼。

    You sound as if you 've got another migraine coming on .

  3. MagnesiumSupplement补充镁元素如果偏头疼市场光临,许多医生都会建议你摄入一些氧化镁。

    If you are prone to migraines , many doctors will recommended taking a magnesium oxide supplement .

  4. 治疗偏头疼用什么药效果最好?

    Does cure slant headache with what drug effect best ?

  5. 你认识患偏头疼的人吗?

    Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine headaches ?

  6. 在最近的研究中偏头疼可能引起突发性疾病。

    Migraines have been linked to seizures in recent studies .

  7. 整形手术或许能给几百万偏头疼患者带来福音。

    Plastic surgery could bring relief to millions people who suffer from migraines .

  8. 阿尔马尔对35例偏头疼的预防作用

    Prophylaxis of almarl for 35 cases of migraine

  9. 昏迷的病人有偏头疼?

    The coma patient has a migraine ?

  10. 上大学的时候,我脑子里有那么多东西,结果得了偏头疼。

    As a college student , I had so much in my head that I had migraine headaches .

  11. 但他们并不能排除其对偏头疼有微小影响的可能性,就像之前发现的对心脏病有影响一样。

    But they could not rule out the possibility of a smaller effect similar to that seen earlier for strokes .

  12. 她说早期研究表明减少腹部脂肪可能会对患偏头疼的人有帮助,尤其是女性。

    She says early results suggest that losing weight in the stomach area may help younger people who experience migraines , especially women .

  13. 为什么有的人一辈子百毒不侵,有的人却偏头疼一疼就是几星期?

    Why do some men go through life immune to a thousand mortal enemies of the race , while others get a migraine that lasts for weeks ?