
  • 网络New Center;new centre;Nove Cento;Saskatoon's Innovation Centre
  1. 中国全球通信市场的新中心

    China : the New Center of the Global Communications Market

  2. 江南小城镇新中心设计浅析

    An Initial Analysis on the New Center Area of Small Towns in Jiangnan Area

  3. 新中心的这个安装流程与MIH基本一致。

    The installation procedure for the new hub is essentially the same as for MIH .

  4. 要使用这个导出工具,您应该已经使用MIHWorkbench来开发并测试一个新中心应用程序。

    In order to use the export tool , you should have used the MIH Workbench to develop and test a new hub application .

  5. 以新中心(NoveCento)、普瑞头(Prato)两种亚洲百合为母本,调查了4种授粉方法对克服百合自交不亲和性与种间不亲和性的影响。

    The effect on overcoming self-incompatibility and species-incompatibility of different pollination methods for Nove Cento lily and Prato lily has been studied .

  6. 这个文件可用于安装新中心,安装方法与原始MIH应用程序一样。

    This file can then be used to install the new hub in the same way as the original MIH application .

  7. 使用MIHWorkbench在开发系统上创建的新中心可以被打包,以便安装在一个生产环境中;或者提供给第三方进行继续定制。

    New hubs created on a development system using the MIH Workbench can be packaged for installation on a production environment or supplied to a third party for further customization .

  8. 运行存档中的MIHLaunchpad应用程序,安装新中心(参考产品随附的产品文档了解细节)。

    Run the MIH Launchpad application located in the archive to install the new hub ( refer to the original product documentation that comes with the product for details ) .

  9. 于是,拉文格斯成为了新中心。

    So can valid is , Lavengros became a new centre .

  10. 而泰门城成为新中心。

    And Timen Town became a new centre .

  11. 佛山市城市轴线与新中心区规划研究

    A Study on the Planning of City Axis and New Central Areas of Foshan

  12. 日本东京海湾区都城新中心开发规划方案概述

    Introduction to the Urban Planning of the Newly Developed City Center in Bay Area , Tokyo , Japan

  13. 除了新中心的小餐厅外,主游客接待中心还有很多吃饭的地方。

    In addition to a small cafeteria at the new center , the main Visitors'Center has many meal choices .

  14. 其中计划之一,便是在海湾区开发建设都城新中心的规划。

    One of the plans drawn in this attempt is the plan for the Newly Developed City Center in Bay Area .

  15. 广州富力君悦大酒店座落于广州市的新中心任务商务区-天河区的珠江新城内。

    Grand Hyatt Guangzhou is conveniently located in Guangzhou 's New Central Business District in Pearl River New Town , Tianhe .

  16. 当地火车站的灯柱上挂满了这个2010年动工的项目的广告旗,上书“都柏林新中心”。

    Flags extolling " Dublin 's new town centre " hang from lamp-posts outside the local railway station , which opened in2010 .

  17. 论文以城市新中心区地下空间为研究的对象,探讨了地下空间控规制编的内容。

    Taking underground space of new urban central area as a sample , the components of regulatory plan are discussed in this dissertation .

  18. 沉淀历史·突出特色·创新景观&记佛山市新中心城区规划设计创作

    Recording History , Giving Prominence to Features , Innovating Landscapes & On the Planning and Design Creations on the New Town Center of Foshan City

  19. 在这次空前的峰会上,我们建立了新中心来战胜极端主义观念,发起了特别行动队来阻止对恐怖主义分子的资金支持,

    At this unprecedented summit , we opened a new center to combat extremist ideology , launched a task force to block funding for terrorists ,

  20. 通用汽车预计将雇佣1000名员工,主要包括为这座新中心效力的软件开发人员、数据库管理员和系统分析师。

    GM is expected to hire 1 , 000 workers , mainly consisting of software developers , database administrators and systems analysts for the new center .

  21. 新中心汽车站的公交车、的士停靠站由财政投资建设,列入明年的项目完成;

    New central bus station of the bus , taxi stops from the financial investment and construction , included in next year 's completion of the project ;

  22. 新中心的字符可能是一个'走在网站的产生,从字面上的调解与取向的地貌特征,它必须体现。

    The character of the new Center could be that of a'walk in website ' , literally deriving its physiognomy from the mediating and orientational characteristics it must embody .

  23. 共有四家美国动物园租借了濒危但很受欢迎的熊猫。都江堰的新中心将会成为30只熊猫的家—它们大多是生病或受伤,需要康复的大熊猫。

    Four U.S. zoos lease pandas , which arecritically endangered , and very popular attractions.The new Dujiangyan center will soon be home to30 pandas -- mostly sick or injured and in need of rehab .

  24. 最后,结合以上两个工程实例,对县级新中心区高层办公建筑群的规划与设计模式的可操作性及实际实施效果进行反思和总结。

    Finally , combining with the above two practical engineering , review and summary the operable and practical effect of the planning and design patterns for high-rise office building group at the new county-level center .

  25. 据此可以对带形城市总体规划布局中的一些关键问题如城市长度控制、新中心区位置选择、城市空间增长边界等作出相应判断。

    So that we can make correct judgements on some critical problems such as the rational length of the linear city , the proper location of the new urban center , the city space growth boundary .

  26. 本文通过对城市历史及现状的解读,探讨江滨城市新中心的功能定位和空间布局,力图提出系统科学的城市设计架构。

    With in depth analysis on the past and present , this paper discusses on functional position and the layout of the new city center , and tries to address a systematic framework of urban design .

  27. 当前我国城市建设迅猛发展,许多县级城市由于原有的城市中心区已基本无发展空间,纷纷开始规划建设城市的新中心区。

    The current development of our city construction is very rapid , since the original city center area has been basically no development space , a lot of county-level city have begun to planning and construction of new city center area .

  28. 以商场、酒店、公寓、写字楼、休闲娱乐、餐饮等多种业态组合为一体的城市综合体在中国城市现代化进程中始露端倪,不断制造着城市的一个又一个新中心。

    To market , hotel , apartments , office buildings , entertainment , food and so on many kinds of format combination for the integration of urban complex in the process of modernization in Chinese cities , beginning with exploding continuously produce another new city center .

  29. 负面影响是,新购物中心会使交通问题加剧。

    On the debit side the new shopping centre will increase traffic problems .

  30. 都铎宛,您在新伯明翰中心区置业的好机会。

    Tudor Court represents your opportunity to locate at the heart of the new Birmingham .