
  • 网络new media era;new media age
  1. 新媒体时代家庭电视购物频道经营模式初探

    On the Business Model of Family TV Shopping Channel in New Media Age

  2. 新媒体时代,大学生人文精神总体上是好的,但也存在很多问题。

    New media age , students of human spirit is generally good , but there are a lot of problems .

  3. 3G新媒体时代背景下的中国手机动漫产业发展初探

    The Research of Chinese Mobile Phone Animation Industry in the 3G New Media Era

  4. 新媒体时代广告运动的四个新观念

    The New 4 Conceptions of AD Movement in New Media Era

  5. 新媒体时代广告公司的下一步

    The Next Step of Ad Corporations in the New Medium Era

  6. 新媒体时代的大众阅读方式研究

    On the Mass Reading Style in the New Media Era

  7. 在新媒体时代,音像制品盗版在社会结构中有其生存的空间。

    Film and music piracy has its niche in the societal structure .

  8. 和而不同&影视教育如何面对新媒体时代

    How to Face the New Media Era in Cinema and TV Education

  9. 新媒体时代网络音乐文化传播特征解析

    Internet Music Culture 's Transmission Characteristics of New Media Era

  10. 新媒体时代下政府信息公开建设策略

    The Building of the Government Information Strategy under the New Media Era

  11. 新媒体时代的广告设计教学改革研究

    The New Medium Times Advertising Design Educational Reform Studies

  12. 新媒体时代,新广告运动

    In New Media Era , New AD Movement

  13. 新媒体时代建筑的美学倾向

    Esthetics tendency of architecture in new media time

  14. 新媒体时代话语分析从形式到内容都发生了变化。

    The " New Media " Era has brought profound changes to discourse analysis .

  15. 读者的大阅读&新媒体时代的大众新阅读观

    Readers ' Big Reading & Mass New Reading Perspective in the New Media Era

  16. 数据库:新媒体时代不可忽视的科技传播平台

    Database : the Important Communication Platform for Science and Technology of the New Media Era

  17. 论新媒体时代手绘动画的艺术特征及其实践

    On the Art Feature of Hand-painted Animation in the New Media Times and Its Practice

  18. 灾难新闻报道的新闻专业主义精神在新媒体时代面临新的解读。

    Disaster news news professionalism in the era of new media is facing a new interpretation .

  19. 服务全方位&新媒体时代科技报生存之道

    Service in All Aspect & How Survive of Science and Technology Newspaper in New Media Time

  20. 新媒体时代的到来,为字体设计的创作空间提供了新的可能。

    The arrival of the new media era provides new creative possibilities for the font design space .

  21. 随着社会进入信息时代,人们逐渐开始面对一个丰富多彩的新媒体时代。

    As the society entered the information age , people began to face a new multimedia era .

  22. 新媒体时代的媒体及交互性,即时性,平等性,多媒体,便捷性为一体。

    The characteristic of new media era is interactive , instant , equality , multimedia , convenience .

  23. 新媒体时代的网络传播&以中国科协网为例谈网站运行模式及发展方向

    Era of New Media Networks & Website Modes of Operation and the Development Direction as an Example of CAST

  24. 这些对策对中国传媒在新媒体时代的出路问题具有较强的实践指导意义。

    These countermeasures will hold great practical guiding significance to the way of Chinese media in new media era .

  25. 新媒体时代版权保护与知识传播的结构性矛盾&基于音像盗版的社会意义解读

    On Structural Contradiction of Copyright and Knowledge Sharing in Digital Era & Interpreting the Social Meaning of Audiovisual Piracy

  26. 新媒体时代的互联网以其多元性、娱乐性、互动性和虚拟性吸引着大学生群体,迅速成为他们最重要的信息渠道,并深刻的影响着他们的行为习惯。

    The diversity , entertaining , interaction and virtual of the Internet attract the undergraduates , which influences their behavior profoundly .

  27. 20世纪90年代中期,网络的出现不但带给人类生活巨大的变化,也拉开了新媒体时代的序幕。

    In the mid-1990s , the network took huge changes to humanity lives and begun prologue of the new media time .

  28. 数字技术、互联网信息技术、移动通信技术的快速发展促使新媒体时代向我们疾驶而来。

    The rapid development of digital technology , internet information technology and mobile communication technology speeds up the new media era .

  29. 新媒体时代,伴随着网络媒体迅猛发展,带给了人们更加不一样的阅读方式。

    The new media era , with the rapid development of network media , brings people more different ways of reading .

  30. 新媒体时代,粉丝文化传播具有狂欢化、主动消费、传受合一等特点。

    New Media Age , fans of cultural communication with the carnival , active consumer , communication by one and so on .