
  • 网络canopy
  1. 文中提出:CE≥1.45为葡萄叶幕光能利用的最佳取值范围,并指出在不同条件下CE的取值范围有所变化。

    It is pointed out that CE ≥ 1.45 is a best range for canopy light utilization and this range should be adjusted in some special conditions .

  2. 以那翁、斯坦勒和佐藤锦3个樱桃栽培品种为材料,利用CIRAS-2便携式光合测定仪,研究了樱桃不同枝条节位、不同叶幕层和方位上叶片的光合特性。

    Photosynthetic characteristics of leaves at different shoot nodes , canopy layers and leaf positions of three sweet cherry cultivars , Napoleon Bigarreau , Stella and Sato Nishi , were determined by CIRAS-2 photosynthetic instrument .

  3. 桃树叶幕结构和光能利用的研究

    A Study on Leaf Curtain Structures and Light Utilization of Peach

  4. 葡萄不同栽培方式的叶幕微气候、光合作用和水分生理效应

    Effects of Grapevine Training Systems on Canopy Microclimate , Net Photosynthesis and Transpiration

  5. 夏季修剪对秦美猕猴桃叶幕特性及结果的影响

    Effect of different summer pruning on characters of leaf canopy and fruiting in kiwifruit

  6. 幼龄枣树叶幕形成规律观察

    Formation Pattern Of Young Jujube Crown Canopy

  7. 苹果开心树形叶幕太阳辐射吸收规律研究

    Study of Solar Radiation and Its Transmission and Diffusion in the Center-open System of Apple

  8. 根际土壤湿度和叶幕微气候对葡萄叶片水分代谢影响的模拟分析

    Simulated Analysis of Effects of Soil Moisture and Canopy Microclimate on Leaf Water Metabolism in Grape

  9. 叶幕微气候与葡萄生理、产量和品质形成之间基本关系的研究

    Studies on the Essential Relationship between Canopy Microclimate , Vine Growth , Grape Yield and Berry Quality

  10. 北京地区葡萄三种主要栽培方式的叶幕微气候和植物水分关系的研究

    Studies of three principal training systems of grapevine on Canopy Microclimate and water relations in Beijing area

  11. 高温季节低光强叶幕区光合强度超过高光强区,因之在盛夏下层叶幕的同化作用不可忽视。

    However , when temperature is high , assimilation number of the leaf curtain with a low light intensity is larger than that with a high light intensity .

  12. 为探讨叶幕微气候对板栗坚果品质的影响,在燕山板栗产区,对板栗树冠不同方向不同冠层叶幕微气候和坚果品质进行了研究。

    To investigate the effect of canopy micro-climate on the quality of chestnut , micro-climate and fruit quality of canopy in different directions were studied in Yanshan chestnut producing .

  13. 春季气温的增温幅度大,程度强,春季物候生长期提前(如芽期、花期、叶幕出现及棉花苗期等)。

    The magnitude of the warming of the air temperature , in spring growing season in advance of the spring phenology such as bud stage , flowering , leaf screen and cotton seedling .

  14. 结果表明:梨树叶幕光能分布状况直接受叶面积系数、树冠结构、太阳位置及光强的影响。

    The result showed that the light distribution in the canopy were obviously affected by the leaf area index ( LAI ), the structure of canopy , solar radiation and its apparent movement , etc.

  15. 赤霞珠皇轩红深沉动人的酒色,醇厚持久的酒香,都源于独特的赤霞珠优质葡萄。不同叶幕结构对赤霞珠葡萄生长发育的影响

    IMPERIAL COURT Cabernet Sauvignon is distinguished by its deep ruby hue and full-bodied , well-balanced taste , with hints of black currant and berries . Effects of Different Structure of Canopy on the Growth of Cabernet Sauvignon

  16. 自然条件和控制条件下的实验证明,由叶幕形式所调控的辐照日变化系统对葡萄净光合速率日变化类型产生很大影响。

    The experiments under natural and phytotron conditions show that the diurnal light variation regimes , created by different light interception planes or canopy structures , have considerable influence on diurnal variation characteristics of net photosynthetic rate of grapevine .

  17. 因此,相对多留副梢叶片,改善了叶幕叶龄结构,提高了果实品质,有利于枝梢成熟。

    The result showed that leaving a number of leaf on the secondary shoot at proper position improved the structure of leaf canopy and composition of leaf age , therefore strengthened photosynthesis , improved the quality of fruit and promoted the maturity of shoot .

  18. 结果表明:①丰产稳产树体树冠叶幕外层叶面积较低产树和变产树高11.6%~13.7%和13.5%~21.5%,中层相差不大,内层较低。

    The results showed that leaf area of outer leaf crown on high yield trees was 11 . 6 % to 13 . 7 % and 13 . 5 % to 21 . 5 % larger than that on low and fluctuating yield trees .

  19. 栽培方式对叶幕叶片光合有效辐射截留、叶果际温度微气候产生显著影响,T架与篱架叶幕温度微气候优于棚架;

    Training systems had great influence on the leaf PAR capture , leaf and fruit temperature microclimate . Canopy temperature microclimate was better in T-bar and hedgerow trellis than in pergola trellis .