
  • 网络Ye Yongqing;Peter Torjesen
  1. “鸟”是叶永青联系过去、现在、未来的标志。

    The'bird'is a symble of the artist linking the past , present and future .

  2. 正是基于这样的认识和理解,叶永青才建立起差异性的绘画风格。

    Ye Yongqing 's establishment of a new painting style was based on this kind of awareness and understanding .

  3. 自开馆以来,都亚特画廊已和多位在中国当代艺术领域内享有很高知名度的艺术家,合作举办了画展,其中有曾梵志,叶永青,刘大鸿,周春芽,唐志冈,张培利。

    Since the opening , doART Gallery has held exhibitions for many renowned artists in the Chinese contemporary art field , such as Zeng fanzhi , ye yongqing , Liu dahong , Zhou chunya , Tang Zhigang and Zhang peili , etc.