
piān mó ěr tǐ jī
  • partial molar volume
  1. 金属钨在Ni-W二元合金中的偏摩尔体积约为(10.80–1.35×10–3T)×10-6m3·mol-1。

    The partial molar volume of tungsten in Ni-W binary alloy has been evaluated approximately as ( 10.80 – 1.35 × 10-3T ) × 10-6m3 · mol-1 .

  2. 超临界氨合成体系的组分偏摩尔体积的计算

    Calculation of partial molar volume of components in supercritical ammonia synthesis system

  3. 计算了两种氨基酸在该溶液中的粘度B系数及极限偏摩尔体积;

    The viscosity B coefficients and the limiting partial inolar volumes were calculated .

  4. 还测定了醋酸正丁酯在超临界CO2中的偏摩尔体积,表明实验范围内醋酸正丁酯在超临界CO2中的偏摩尔体积为负值,这将提高超临界CO2对丙烯酸树脂的溶胀能力;

    The partial mole volume of n-butyl acetate in supercritical CO_2 was also measured , the experimental results indicated that it was minus which could heighten the swell capability of supercritical CO_2 in polymer .

  5. 而Cl-的极限偏摩尔体积在同一DMF浓度范围内则表现为逐渐减小。

    On the contrary , the ionic partial molar volume of Cl - decreases with increasing concentration of DMF in the same region .

  6. 在278.15&318.15K范围内DMF-H2O体系的超额摩尔体积及DMF的表观摩尔体积和偏摩尔体积的测定与研究

    Excess molar volumes of mixtures of n , N-dimethylformamide and water and apparent molal volumes and partial molal volumes of n , N-dimethylformamide in water from 278 . 15K to 318 . 15K

  7. 用溴化钾压片法测定了碱金属硅酸盐玻璃的红外光谱,所得数据与低共熔组成处SiO2偏摩尔体积的急剧变化相一致。

    Infrared spectra of alkali silicate glasses were studied by the KBr method . The data thus obtained agree with the abrupt changes of partial molar volume of SiO2 at eutectic compositions .

  8. 结果表明,当DMF浓度为15%~45%时,K+和NH4+的极限偏摩尔体积均表现增加趋势;

    The experimental result shows that the ionic partial molar volumes of K + and NH4 + increase with increasing concentration of DMF in the range of 15 % to 45 % .

  9. 用实验数据很好的拟合了超临界流体色谱保留值方程,间接测定了EPA-EE和DHA-EE在超临界二氧化碳中的偏摩尔体积。

    With these experimental data , SFC retention equation is related and the partial molar volumes of EPA-EE and DHA-EE in supercritical carbon dioxide are measured .

  10. 根据Flory溶液理论,导出计算溶质偏摩尔体积的方程。作者还提出了确定方程参数的新方法,用这种方法只需纯水的物性数据就能计算有机溶质在水中的无限稀偏摩尔体积。

    An equation for calculation of the partial molar volumes for organic solutes has been derived from the Flory theory , and a new method to determine the parameters in the equation has been developed .

  11. 另外基于Kirkwood-Buff理论估算了混合物的偏摩尔体积、等温压缩因子以及活度系数对浓度的偏导数,对于理解离子液体与水之间的交互作用具有一定的参考意义。

    In addition , the partial molar properties and the derivatives of activity coefficients were estimated by Kirkwood-Buff theory , which can provide valuable information of the mixture .

  12. 用基团贡献法计算222种有机溶质298.15K在水中无限稀偏摩尔体积,平均误差为1.18cm~3/mol,平均百分误差为1.25%。

    By using this method , 298.15K dilute partial molar volumes of 222 organic solutes in water were calculated . The average error is 1.18 cm ~ 3 / mol and the average percentage error is 1.25 % .

  13. 正己烷在乙醇、乙醇-水混合物中的偏摩尔体积

    Partial molar volumes of hexane in ethanol and ethanol-water mixtures

  14. 醋酸水溶液中偏摩尔体积的测定

    Measurement of partial molar volumes in acetic acid aqueous solution

  15. 糖类在水中偏摩尔体积的计算

    The Dilute Partial Molar Volume of Carbohydrates in Water

  16. 岩浆中氧化物组分的偏摩尔体积及其岩石学意义

    The partial molar volumes of oxide components in magmas and their petrological applications

  17. 混合系统中离子液体的无限稀释偏摩尔体积均是随温度升高而直线上升。

    The partial molar volumes at infinite dilution of ionic liquids linearly increase with increasing temperature .

  18. 研究测定了20℃和30℃温度下醋酸水溶液中的偏摩尔体积,结果表明;

    Partial molar volumes were measured in acetic acid aqueous solution at 20 ℃ and 30 ℃ .

  19. 同时考察了氨基酸侧基对迁移偏摩尔体积的贡献。

    Furtherly , different side chain contributions of amino acids to transfer partial molar volumes were also investigated .

  20. 建立计算无限稀偏摩尔体积的基团贡献模型。

    A group contribution model for calculation of partial molar volumes of organic solutesin dilute aqueous solution has been established .

  21. 两组分混合物的偏摩尔体积及体积分量的精确计算

    Calculation of Hydration Numbers From Conductance and Partial Molal Volme On The Partial Molal Volume And Volume Fraction of Binary Mixture

  22. 氨基酸侧链在羧酸钠水溶液中标准偏摩尔体积的理论预测

    The Theoretical Prediction of the Standard Partial Molar Volume of the Alkyl Chains of Amino Acids in Aqueous Sodium Carboxylate Solutions

  23. 有机溶质在水中偏摩尔体积的计算(Ⅰ)碳数规律法

    Calculation of Partial Molar Volumes for Organic Solutes in Water & (ⅰ) A Method Sased on the Number of Carbon Atoms

  24. 根据静电相互作用和结构水合作用模型讨论了阴离子和阳离子对迁移偏摩尔体积的影响。

    The transfer partial molar volumes from water to oxacid salt solutions have been discussed in terms of electrostatic interaction and structural interaction .

  25. 结果表明,三种氨基酸在氯乙醇水溶液中的迁移偏摩尔体积均为正值,且随氯乙醇浓度的增大而增大.氨基酸侧链对迁移偏摩尔体积的贡献与侧链性质密切相关。

    The results show that all of the transfer partial volumes from water to 2 chloroethanol water mixed solvents are positive , and increase with increasing 2 chloroethanol concentration ;

  26. 丝氨酸在正丙醇-水混合溶剂中的迁移偏摩尔体积为正值,且随醇浓度的增大而增大.丝氨酸在正丙醇-水混合溶剂中的水化数随溶液中醇浓度的增加而减小。

    The transfer volumes of serine from water to n-propanol-water mixed solvents are positive , and increase with increasing n-propanol concentration , while the hydration numbers decrease with increasing n-propanol concentration .

  27. 利用精密数字密度计测定了丝氨酸与不同组成的葡萄糖-水、蔗糖-水混合溶剂构成的三元系溶液的密度,计算了丝氨酸的表观摩尔体积、极限偏摩尔体积和理论水化数。

    Densities of serine in glucose water and sucrose water mixed solvents have been measured at 298.15 K by an oscillating tube densimeter . Apparent molar volumes , limiting partial molar volumes and number of hydration of serine have been calculated .

  28. 此外,对应于二硅酸盐、偏硅酸盐等初晶相组成范围的SiO2偏摩尔体积,在不同的系统中数值相近。

    Moreover , it is found that the partial molar volumes of SiO2 corresponding to the composition ranges of primary crystalline phase of bisilicate , metasilicate etc. in various glass systems are basically the same .