
  • 网络eccentric load
  1. 组合工字型梁在偏心荷载作用下的有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of combined I-shaped beams under eccentric load

  2. 单向偏心荷载作用下柱下独立基础弯矩的精确计算公式

    The exact formula for calculating the moment of single foundation under uniaxial eccentric load

  3. 偏心荷载作用下FRP约束钢筋混凝土短柱的特性研究

    A study on the properties of a FRP-confined short reinforced concrete column subjected to eccentric loading

  4. 偏心荷载作用下PHC管桩的受力分析

    Analysis of Stress of PHC Pipe Pole under Eccentric Load

  5. 如果旋转支座上方安装有聚四氟乙烯(ptfe)滑座,则上述后一点比较重要,因为聚四氟乙烯对偏心荷载和敏感。

    The latter could be important if , for example , a rotational bearing is surmounted by a PTFE slider because the PTFE is sensitive to eccentric loading .

  6. 偏心荷载作用时矩形基础底面面积最小值的计算

    Accurate method for calculating definite rectangular base foundations under eccentric loads

  7. 成层地基中倾斜偏心荷载下单桩计算分析

    Analysis of single piles under eccentric and inclined loads in layered soils

  8. 偏心荷载作用于矩形及圆形基础时地基承载力计算的探讨

    On the bearing capacity of rectangular and Circular Foundations under eccentric loads

  9. 倾斜偏心荷载作用下基桩改进有限杆单元法

    The foundation pile improved finite bar element method under oblique eccentric loading

  10. 倾斜偏心荷载下基桩内力位移分析

    Analysis of Single Pile under Eccentric and Inclined Loading

  11. 矩形单独基础双向偏心荷载下的基底反力

    Reaction under A Rectangular Single - footing Loaded by Two - directional Eccentric Load

  12. 偏心荷载作用下弧形闸门支臂的动力稳定性研究

    Research on the Dynamic Stablity of Arms in the Radial Gate Under Eccentric Loading

  13. 偏心荷载作用下独立基础的状态设计法

    State-design Method for Single-foundation Under Eccentric loads

  14. 对于一般斜拉桥进行了静力、稳定性及动力分析,对于异型钢斜拉桥在偏心荷载作用下的力学特性进行了分析。

    For regular cable-stayed bridge , the static , stability and dynamic analysis were carried out .

  15. 小偏心荷载作用下I形截面梁极限强度:推导新强度换算系数

    Ultimate Strength of I-Girders Under Eccentric Patch Loading : Derivation of a New Strength Reduction Coefficient

  16. 分析偏心荷载作用下,偏心距对三种型钢混凝土柱受力性能的影响。

    The author analyze eccentricity 's influence to the three SRC pillar mechanical performance under the eccentric load .

  17. 转换梁上由偏心荷载和次梁荷载引起的扭矩大小与楼板的厚度密切相关。

    The torsion caused by asymmetry loads and secondary beam loads is consanguineous correlation with floor thickness of the transferable story .

  18. 结果表明,在竖向偏心荷载作用下有限元计算结果与试验结果较为一致。

    The result shows that the computations of finite element is coincident with the test conclusion under the vertical eccentric load .

  19. 在此基础上,提出了偏心荷载作用下钢板箱形梁的简化设计计算方法。

    Based on the analysis results , a simplified design calculation method of steel box girder subjected to eccentric load is proposed .

  20. 风荷载是可变荷载、水平荷载,不能笼统地视为偏心荷载,应参与基本荷载组合计算,并参与偶然荷载组合验算。

    Wind load is a kind of variable , horizontal load and it shall not be generally defined as an eccentric load .

  21. 确定偏心荷载作用下独立基础的底面积习惯用试算法,过程繁杂而结果未必经济。

    The area of single-foundation under eccentricity load are usually calculated by the try-calculate method , this process is complicated and the result is uneconomical .

  22. 介绍大板承台在偏心荷载作用下,承台刚度对群桩受力的影响。

    The effects of the rigidity of slab platform under the action of eccentric load on the stress of group piles are introduced in the paper .

  23. 并将畸变荷载作用时的计算结果与刚性扭转、对称弯曲和偏心荷载直接作用时的计算结果进行比较,得到了反映横隔板密度对畸变效应的影响曲线。

    The variation curves of distortion effect with density of diaphragm are drawn by comparing distortion effect with effects under torsion , bending , and eccentric loads .

  24. 并针对两铰悬索桥在水平横向荷载和竖向偏心荷载的作用下进行了分析,给出了实例计算和结论。

    A two-hinged suspension bridge is analyzed under the action of horizontal lateral loads and vertical eccentric loads , and then an example and conclusions are given .

  25. 本文主要研究任意截面的钢-砼组合长柱在双向偏心荷载作用下从加载到最终破坏的全过程的受力与变形特性。

    In this paper , complete load-deformation behavior from initial loading to final failure of slender steel-concrete composite columns with arbitrary cross sections applied to biaxial loading is studied .

  26. 这种方法也适应于对其他类型桩在偏心荷载(或在桩顶水平位移)作用下的承载能力作定量的评估。

    This method is also applicable for the quantitative evaluation of the carrying capacity of poles of other types under eccentric load ( or the horizontal displacement of pole top ) .

  27. 发现在预应力混凝土桥梁中,跨径越大,在箱梁内对称挠曲的纵向弯曲应力是主要的,而偏心荷载引起的扭转应力是次要的;

    It was found that in large span box girders , the longitudinal bending stress due to symmetric deflection is primary while the distorting stress due to eccentric load is secondary ;

  28. 在实际运营过程当中,箱梁受偏心荷载作用而产生开裂的现象非常普遍,特别对于箱梁顶板,纵向开裂的现象十分常见。

    In the actual operation process , the phenomenon that the box subjected to eccentric load cracks is very common , especially for the roof box , longitudinal cracking is very common .

  29. 提出了弧形闸门支臂在偏心荷载作用下的动力稳定性理论研究方法,研究了偏心动力荷载对弧形闸门支臂动力稳定性的影响。

    The dynamic-stability analysis method of the radial gate arm under eccentric loading is produced , and the influences of the dynamic-stability of radial gate arm under eccentric loading are also studied .

  30. 横隔板间距对集中偏心荷载作用下简支钢箱梁畸变的影响

    Influence of the spacing of diaphragm plates on the distortion of simply supported box girder under concentrated load study on the effect of diaphragm on the distortion of steel slab box girder