
  • 网络deflecting force;yaw;force
  1. RFQ加速器中的二极模场给束流施加一个偏转力,导致束流损失在机器上。

    Dipole field in an RFQ accelerator exerts beam a bending force and thus results in beam losses on the machine .

  2. 根据走滑大地震前后应力轴偏转和应力降求取偏应力量值的研究

    Deviatoric stress level estimation according to principle axes rotation of stress field before and after large strike-slip type earthquake and stress drop

  3. 建立了具有立体光路的光束偏转法原子力测头的模型,给出测头的放大能力,证明光路不会对光束偏转法的分辨力造成影响。

    A model of an AFM head using the optical beam deflection method with spatial light path is built up to get the optical magnifying capability . It proves that the spatial light path has no effect on the resolution of the optical beam deflection method .

  4. 基于光点偏转方法的原子力显微镜的研制

    Atomic Force Microscope Based in Optical Bean Deflection Method

  5. 井采后,采空区上方边坡岩体内部主应力方向发生偏转,主应力差增大,坡顶和靠近边坡面的背斜轴部出现拉应力。

    After underground mining , the direction of main stresses deflect , the difference between the two main stresses main stresses increases within the rock slope above the mined-out space .