
  • 网络Lateral earth pressure
  1. 墙背侧向土压力呈曲线形分布,且由上至下逐渐增大,并在距墙顶大于等于4m时,实测土压力值大于理论方法的计算值。

    The lateral earth pressure is with a curve distribution and the lateral earth pressure of the prototype measurement is bigger than the pressure of theoretic method when the distance from the top of the wall is bigger than 4m or equal to 4m .

  2. 带减压平台的挡土墙侧向土压力分析

    FEM Analysis on the Lateral Earth Pressure of the Retaining Wall with the Relieving Platform

  3. 墙背土压力呈曲线形分布,4m宽台阶的存在使墙后填土顶面的外荷载对该墙的侧向土压力影响不大。

    The lateral earth pressure is constant basically for each wall because of the bench of 4 m behind wall .

  4. 侧向土压力对单孔水闸稳定性的影响分析

    Effect of Side Slope Pressure on Stabilization of a Single-Chamber Sluice

  5. 护坡桩与箱基间填土侧向土压力计算

    The Calculation of Side Soil-Pressure between Retaining Pile and Box-Foundation

  6. 土钉墙侧向土压力分布研究

    Research on distribution of the lateral soil-pressure in soil-nailed wall

  7. 软土地基中桩基施工引起的侧向土压力增量

    Increment of lateral pressure caused by installation of pile in soft foundation

  8. 咬合桩支护结构侧向土压力的试验研究

    Analysis of earth pressure of the secant piles support structure

  9. 考虑侧向土压力影响的水泥土搅拌桩设计

    A Design of Cement soil Mixed Piles Considering Influence of Soil Pressure from Pile Sides

  10. 桩基施工时侧向土压力增量的估算方法

    A New Method to Estimate the Increment of Lateral Soil Pressure Caused by Pile Construction

  11. 文中还对边荷载和侧向土压力的测试结果作了简要介绍。

    Besides , the measured results of side load andlateral earth pressure are also briefly introduced .

  12. 砂性地基中,其侧向土压力系数接近主动土压力系数。

    The coefficient of horizontal pressure is near the active coefficient of horizontal pressure in sand soil .

  13. 研究了在粘土中注浆不同侧向土压力条件下浆液扩散范围与注浆压力规律;

    The relation between serosity pressure and diffuseness of grouting in clay with different initial stress is studied .

  14. 同时,填土的不均匀性不仅影响到墙背侧向土压力的大小,而且也影响到土压力沿墙面的分布。

    The magnitudes and distributions of earth pressure will be affected when the distributing of soil is not symmetrical .

  15. 该计算模式更准确地描述了土钉墙的侧向土压力的分布,而且比较简洁,便于计算;

    This new model presents the distribution of lateral earth pressure of soil nailing wall more accurately and concisely ;

  16. 倾斜坡面时挡土墙后粘性填料的侧向土压力解析解

    Analysis of the Lateral Earth Pressure in the Retaining Wall with the Face of Slope and Filled with Viscous Filler

  17. 根据土压监测初始值反推地层侧向土压力,得出盾构始发段淤泥质粉质粘土的侧向土压力系数为0.46。

    According to the initial numerical of later earth pressure , obtained Lateral earth pressure coefficient of silty clay is 0.46 .

  18. 从适用条件、侧向土压力计算、抗滑移稳定验算等几个方面探讨了扶壁式钢筋混凝土挡土墙的设计。

    From the condition of acceptability , the calculation of lateral earth pressure , and the checking computation of anti-sliding stability , etc.

  19. 但在桩的现场试验中,钻孔灌注桩和预制桩桩周侧向土压力盒以及预制桩钢筋计的埋设一直是现场试验中的难题,至今没有很好解决。

    However , installing earth pressure cells in side faces and strain gauges in piles are difficult problems which have not yet been solved .

  20. 粘性地基中,其侧向土压力系数一般为静止土压力系数;

    According to the results of back analysis , the coefficient of horizontal pressure is the standstill coefficient of horizontal pressure in clay soil ;

  21. 结合工程实例,论述深基坑挡土桩与地下室外墙连成一体共同分担侧向土压力。

    The article treats of the retaining piles of deep foundation pit and the ecto-concrete wall of basement absorb sideways earth pressure together with engineering examples .

  22. 当微型钢管桩承受水平荷载(侧向土压力)时,可以作为基坑支护的手段,应用较多。

    When the micro-level steel pipe pile under load ( lateral earth pressure ), the pit can be used as a means of support , more applications .

  23. 实测墙背侧向土压力沿墙高呈非线性增长分布,数值小于主动土压力;

    The measured lateral earth pressure within the reinforced soil wall is non-linear along the height and the value is less than the active lateral earth pressure .

  24. 这是因为考虑了土体间侧向土压力,必然会产生一向基础外缘偏转的力矩,从而一定程度上降低了地基极限承载力。

    It would produce the moment deflecting from the outer edge of base and decrease the foundation ultimate bearing capacity because the paper considered the lateral earth pressure .

  25. 随着填土高度的增加,挡墙侧向土压力、基底土压力及锚杆拉力均在逐渐增加。

    Along with the increase of the height of the filled soil , retaining walls ' lateral earth pressure , basal earth pressure and anchor tension are all increase gradually .

  26. 在中国顶管设计规范的基础上,分别对垂直土压力、侧向土压力和地基反力的取值和土压力分布模式进行调整,提出了两种新的管道设计模式。

    Based on Chinese jacking pipe standard , the value and load model of vertical and lateral earth pressure , and subgrade counterforce were adjusted , which induced two new design models of jacking pipe .

  27. 对于目前的采用土压力理论计算作用于挡土结构物的侧向土压力,应考虑上述超固结比的影响,避免挡土结构物设计的不合理。

    Therefore , in order to avoid an uneconomical design of a retaining structure , over consolidation ratio should be considered to calculate earth pressure at a retaining structure by using the elastic and plasticity method .

  28. 通过理论推导,提出了涵洞顶在有、无减荷措施情况下的侧向土压力计算公式,进一步充实了以内外土柱间沉降差±δ理论为基础的上埋式构筑物土压力理论。

    Through deducing theories , calculation formulas about horizontal earth pressure in the condition of having reducing-load material EPS are suggested , and the earth pressure theory which basis on the differential settlement ±δ between inner filled column and outer filled column are enriched .

  29. 土压力是指挡土结构物背后的填土因自重或外荷载作用对墙背产生的侧向压力,土压力的大小直接决定着挡土构筑物及被挡土体的稳定和安全。

    Earth pressure is the lateral pressure of back wall which is given or loaded by the soil behind the retaining structures , and the size of the earth pressure directly decides stability and security of retaining structures and the blocked soil .