
  • 网络side window;side-window
  1. 铝侧窗及其在客车上的应用

    Application of Aluminium Side Window Frams in Buses

  2. 列车在隧道内高速交会时产生的瞬态压力冲击波对车辆侧窗结构会产生十分不利的影响,甚至危及行车安全。

    The transient pressure impact wave caused by the train encountering another in the tunnel at high speed has very unfavorable effect on the side window structure of the car , even affect the running safety .

  3. PLC控制侧窗自动冲孔模设计

    Design of Bearing Retainer Automatic Piercer of Control with PLC

  4. Inventor在高速列车司机室侧窗设计中的应用

    Application of Inventor software in design of side-windows on high speed train cab

  5. 只能对侧窗涂抹涂层。

    A coating may only be applied to the side windows .

  6. 对某真实轿车的侧窗风振噪声特性进行研究。

    Study on side windows buffeting noise of a real vehicle .

  7. 然后你把他从侧窗拖进了屋里。

    And you dragged him into the house through the side window .

  8. 只有将侧窗降下以后才可能对侧窗进行调整。

    The adjustment is only possible when the side window is lowered .

  9. 检查侧窗设置,如有必要则进行调整。

    Check side window setting and adjust it if necessary .

  10. 客车侧窗的密封性结构

    Structure of the Side Windows Sealing - ability for Buses

  11. 浅谈高速客车侧窗的防水性

    Waterproof Function of Side Windows of High Speed Coaches

  12. 住宅侧窗设计方案探析

    Discussion on Design Options of House 's Side Windows

  13. 自然通风降温设备包括天窗和侧窗启闭系统。

    Natural ventilation equipment includes roof-vent and side-vent opener .

  14. 温室侧窗开窗形式对流量系数取值的影响

    Effects of Greenhouse Side-window Opening Forms on the Value of the Flow Coefficient

  15. 列车交会压力波对车体和侧窗的影响

    Influence of the Air Pressure Pulse on Car-body and Side-windows of Two Meeting Trains

  16. 不粘胶直角侧窗设计

    Design on Unfelted Right - angle Side Windows

  17. 平均天空下计算的侧窗开窗量

    Calculation of Lateral Windows Under Average Sky

  18. 放置侧窗密封件的上部。

    Position upper part of side-window seal .

  19. 如果必要,请重新调整侧窗。

    Readjust the side windows if necessary .

  20. 波导大侧窗耦合器

    Large Side - Aperture Waveguide Couplers

  21. 休斯拿出之前塞在裤兜里的锤子,向后侧窗使劲砸去。

    Pulling out a hammer he had stuffed into his shorts , Hughes smashed a rear side window .

  22. 轮胎被刺穿,泄了气,前后挡风玻璃被砸烂,只余下一扇边侧窗。

    Tires slashed and deflated , front and back windscreens smashed , all but one side window gone .

  23. 可用于风挡玻璃、侧窗玻璃装配后玻璃与框体间的缝隙,车体外部接缝等嵌缝密封。

    Sealing for the seam between glass and body , as well as outer joint seam of body .

  24. 高速列车侧窗在交会压力波作用下的瞬态响应分析

    The Transient Response Analysis of Side Windows on High Speed Trains under the Pressure Wave of Encountering Another Train

  25. 研究了侧窗探测条件下的制导控制技术,给出了拦截器的姿态控制规律,并进行了仿真。

    Control and guide method for side window detection is studied , attitude control law of interceptor is given , and simulation test is done .

  26. 这位66岁的卡车司机,在芝加哥运输牛奶。在他的左脸上是一条条深深的皱纹,那是28年来他都要经受透过卡车侧窗的太阳光线暴晒的结果。

    The left-hand side of the 66-year-old 's face is deeply lined , pitted and sagging after 28 years of sun exposure through the side window of his lorry .

  27. 侧窗和山墙门进风对温室内气流场流态的影响作用较大,而顶窗使得遮阳网上部的气流流动得到明显加强。

    The frontispiece door and side-opens played an important role in affecting the airflow pattern inside the greenhouse , the airflow movement above solar screen strengthened by the effect of top-windows .

  28. 列车交会时产生的瞬态压力冲击波对车体钢结构和侧窗均带来不利影响,严重时将危及行车安全。

    The instantaneous air pressure pulse from two meeting trains is adverse to both car body steel structure and side windows , and will harm the safety of an operating train as critical condition .

  29. 过大的气动冲击会造成列车刚体结构的破坏、列车脱轨、侧窗碎裂等严重威胁列车安全运行的情况。

    Excessive pneumatic impact can result in the destruction of the train rigid body structure , train derailment , side window fragmentation , which is a serious threat to the safe operation of trains .

  30. 通过分析比较自然光光导照明相对于侧窗采光、天窗以及电力照明的照明效果,说明自然光光导照明在建筑采光中的应用与前景。

    At last , effect of natural daylight tubular lighting and side-windows , above-windows and electric lighting are compared , based on it , application prospection of natural daylight tubular lighting in buildings are presented .