
cè yǒng
  • the sidestroke
侧泳 [cè yǒng]
  • [sidestroke] 游泳的一种姿势,身体侧俯水面两臂交替伸前划后不打水,两腿做剪刀式后蹬

侧泳[cè yǒng]
  1. 他擅长侧泳。

    He has a good sidestroke .

  2. 她在泳池里缓慢地来回侧泳。

    She swam a slow sidestroke up and down the pool .

  3. 那在蛙泳和侧泳方面,你可以帮助她。

    Then you can help her with breaststroke and sidestroke .

  4. 对于所有的高级游泳技术来说,侧泳是最基本一种。

    The side stroke is the basic stroke for all advanced swimming methods .

  5. 我听说他自由泳、侧泳和蛙泳都游得非常好。

    I hear he can swim freestyle , side stroke and breaststroke very well .

  6. 用在侧泳中的踢;以剪刀的姿势把腿放在一起。

    A kick used in the sidestroke ; legs are brought together in a scissoring motion .

  7. 根据国际泳联的规定,“自由泳”其实是各种非标准泳姿的统称,包括爬泳、狗刨、侧泳等等。

    Freestyle is an unregulated swimming style used in swimming competitions according to the rules of FINA .

  8. 如果他用狗刨式,你就练习潜泳。另外,还有蝶泳、侧泳和仰泳。

    If he is doggy paddling , go practise your dives . There is also butterfly , sidestroke and backstroke .

  9. 根据国际泳联的规定,“自由泳”其实是各种非标准泳姿的统称,包括爬泳、狗刨、侧泳等等。但是在自由泳比赛中多数选手会选择爬泳,因为这种泳姿速度相对较快。

    Freestyle is an unregulated swimming style used in swimming competitions according to the rules of FINA . Competitors in freestyle swimming can use any of the unregulated strokes such as front crawl , dog paddle , or sidestroke , etc. Most competitive swimmers choose the front crawl during freestyle competitions , as this style provides the greatest speed .