
cè shì
  • side room;concubine
侧室 [cè shì]
  • (1) [side room]∶旁侧之室

  • (2) [concubine]∶偏室;小老婆

侧室[cè shì]
  1. 侧室-走廊烟气运动特性的盐水模型

    Salt Water Modeling of the Characteristics of Fire Smoke Movement in a Corridor

  2. 结果表明:①蛤蚧前背侧室嵴嘴外侧区内部存在核心部-浅层细胞区环路;

    The results show : ① rostrolateral area of the ADVR has a circuit pathway between its central core and superficial cell plate ;

  3. 本组中肿瘤发生于透明隔2例,Ⅳ室内12例,侧室壁5例。

    In this series , there were 2 cases located originally at the septum pellucidum , 12 at the fourth ventricle and 5 at the lateral ventricle wall .

  4. 现在,研究人员在成年人脑的侧室壁上发现了一个有成为干细胞潜力的细胞带。

    Here we describe a ribbon of SVZ astrocytes lining the lateral ventricles of the adult human brain that proliferate in vivo and behave as multipotent progenitor cells in vitro .