
fā sàn
  • divergence;diverge;radiate;diffuse;emanate;disperse the internal heat with sudorifics
发散 [fā sàn]
  • (1) [diffuse;diverge]∶[光线等] 由一点向四周散开

  • 发散透镜

  • (2) [diverge]∶中医指用发汗的药物把体内的热散出去

  • [divergence] 散开(如由一个共同中心向外延伸的几条直线),数学上的发散状态

发散[fā sàn]
  1. 浅谈化学学生发散思维能力的培养

    On Cultivating the Ability of Diffuse Thinking for Chemistry Students

  2. 发散的蛛网及其遏制

    The Diffuse Cobweb and the Containment on it

  3. 一个发散的闪光灯束可以用透镜重新聚焦。

    The beam of flashlight diverges , but it can be refocused with lenses .

  4. 具有发散Fourier级数的连续性函数

    Continuous Function with Divergent Fourier Series

  5. ADAMS软件应用中解决数值发散的技巧

    Technique to Solve Divergence of Number in Application of the Software ADAMS

  6. 声表面波在Bragg声栅上衍射的偏转声束的发散角

    On the angular spread of the deflected surface acoustic wave beam diffracted by Bragg grating

  7. TEM(01)模He-Ne激光束的发散角的测定

    The Measurement of Divergence Angle of TEM_ ( 01 ) Beam for Beam for He-Ne Laser

  8. 在条件A之下,会产生哪些、什么样的结果B的问题,就是发散思维型的问题。

    The problem " Under condition A , how many results B and what kind of result B can be produced ?" is just the problem of diverging thought pattern .

  9. 用KDP晶体测量激光发散角

    Measurement of laser beam divergence by using of KDP crystal

  10. 局域Lyapunov指数描述了动力学系统的演化轨道在外界扰动下的瞬时发散程度。

    The local Lyapunov exponent describes the divergent degree of the evolving trajectories for the dynamical systems under external perturbations .

  11. hybrid逼近算法是一种用多项式逼近有理多项式的有效方法,但是这种算法逼近有时会发散。

    The algorithm of hybrid approximation is a useful method for polynomial approximation of rational polynomial . However , the convergence is not assured in applying hybrid polynomial approximation sometimes .

  12. 结果静态联合培养组,ECs微管骨架的排列是稀疏、发散和无规律的。

    Results The microtubule arrangements in the control group showed sparsely , emanative and ruleless .

  13. 用NASTRAN程序计算翼面的发散速压

    Calculation of Divergent Velocity Pressure of Wing Surface by Using NASTRAN Software

  14. 证明发散球面波入射不影响SSD和DOE联合系统的匀滑性能。

    Proved divergent spherical wave incident does not affect SSD and the DOE Joint smoothing properties .

  15. 它采用单束双波长非发散性红外测量方法,对CO2气体实现了高精度、高选择性的检测。

    Through single beam and dual wavelength infrared measuring method , which is not divergent , high accuracy and high selectivity detecting of CO_2 is realized .

  16. 任意规范下有限温度二圈QED热力学势及其交叉发散

    Finite-Temperature Thermodynamic Potential of Two-Loop QED and Overlapping Divergences at Arbitrary Gauge

  17. 本文研究了MAXWELL鱼眼微球透镜对由光纤端部出射的发散光束的会聚作用。

    The collimation of the divergent-beam coming out from the fiber by the MAXWELL fisheye micro-lens is discussed in this paper .

  18. 系统采用CCD器件作为检测的主探测器,为实现远场发散角测量,专门设计了增程组件。

    This system uses CCD device as the main detector , to realize the measurement of far field and divergence angle , and design components for increasing optical path .

  19. 芬兰堆萨拉公司最新研制的光学CO2传感器Carbocap,其工作原理采用了单束双波长非发散性红外线测量方法,其独特之处在于它的滤光镜&一种袖珍电子调谐干扰仪。

    A new CO2 gas sensor was developed in Vaisala company , a IR measuring method of single light beam and double wave length was used in the sensor .

  20. 研究不同的照射条件(垂直照射和发散照射)和不同滤膜孔型(柱形孔和锥形孔)对PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)离子微孔膜流量的影响。

    The influences of the irradiating condition ( divergent and perpendicular irradiation ) and hole shapes ( cylinder and cone holes ) on the flux are studied for ion microporous membrane .

  21. 对于活体人体研究,由于组织的吸收与发散特性,光学成像主要局限于表层位置,此时MRI或PET是比较合适的选择。

    For in vivo studies in humans , optical imaging is largely limited to superficial sites owing to the absorption and scattering properties of tissue , and MRI or PET are preferred modalities .

  22. 求得了在用重整化减除正规顶角的发散至n圈时,(n+1)圈正规顶角生成泛函的发散部分的一般表示形式。

    And a general expressing form for the divergent part of the generating functional of ( n + 1 ) - loops proper vertices with divergences in the proper vertices removed by renormalization up to n-loops has been obtained .

  23. DLA远场出现了3个瓣,每瓣发散角为10mrad左右;

    The far field pattern has 3 lobes , and the divergence of each lobe is about 10 mrad .

  24. 证明了望远镜型共焦非稳谐振腔是压缩OPO光束发散角的有效方法。

    The Cassegrainian unstable resonator has been demonstrated to be one of efficient means to decrease the OPO beam divergence .

  25. 该数值方法通过使用不连续Galerkin法、上风(upwine)法等稳定性技术来解决数值解的不稳定性问题和数值发散问题。

    The algorithm used the stable techniques of Discontinuous Galerkin method and upwind method , etc. to solve such problems as the instability of solution and numerical diffusion .

  26. 在对420t/h锅炉的规范检查当中发现,再热器集汽箱管座及其附属管道外壁出现由内而外发散的放射状裂纹,并且有不断扩大的趋势。

    In 420t / h boiler inspecting , the collecting-steam box of reheater and correlative pipelines are detected to appear diffuse crack , which has expansive trend .

  27. 进而又开展了激光谐振腔稳定性研究,通过实验研究了大能量光栅调谐TEACO2激光器的输出能量、光束指向和远场发散角等参数的变化,分析和总结了影响激光谐振腔稳定性的因素。

    In order to investigate the resonator stability of large-energy grating tunable TEA CO_2 laser , its output energy stability , beam pointing stability and far-field divergence angle stability are measured respectively and the factors affecting the stability are analyzed .

  28. 针对机载SAR运补系统中使用的DGPS/SINS组合系统Kalman滤波器所遇到的发散问题,提出了带遗忘因子的H∞滤波新方法。

    In view of the divergence of Kalman filter of integrated DGPS / SINS of airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) motion compensation system , a new method on H ∞ filtering with forgetting factor is presented .

  29. 为了改善纯角度跟踪的滤波发散问题,一方面,在滤波处理时采用了非线性逼近能力更强的Unscented卡尔曼滤波算法;

    To solve filtering divergence , the Unscented Kalman filter ( UKF ) algorithm , which has better non-linear approximation ability , is adopted ;

  30. 1996-2006年期间,条件变量FIR的引入,促使东部和西部地区发散速度降低,却加速了中部地区的发散速度。

    In the period of 1996-2006 , joins condition variable FIR , can reduce the speed of divergence in the eastern and western regions , but accelerate the speed of divergence in the central regions .