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  1. 这种病一般多发于三四十岁的女性,但我也见过许多更年轻的女性患这种病。

    It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties , although I 've seen it in many younger women , as well

  2. 结果:Jacob病是指下颌骨喙突增大并在颧弓内侧形成假关节的一种疾病,好发于13-62岁,平均26岁。

    Results : Joint formation between a and of the coronoid process and zygomatic arch had been called as Jacob 's disease . The average age was 26 years ( 13-62 ) .

  3. 多发于60岁以上老年人。

    Most patients are more than 60 years old .

  4. 本病好发于40岁以上的中老年患者,平均发病年龄为50.7-54.6岁。

    The patients with EOS are mostly older than 40 , the mean age of patients is 50.7-54.6 .

  5. 结论乳腺疾病好发于30岁以上妇女,主要为乳腺增生,其发生和发展与年龄、经济收入、职业工种等因素有关。

    The mammal gland diseases are mainly mammary gland hyperplasic and are related with age , income and occupation .

  6. 结果:该病多发于20~40岁,遗传因素是发病的原因之一。

    Results : This disease occured highly between 20 to 40 year old . Inheritance factor was one of morbidity cause .

  7. 结论:葡萄球菌烫伤样皮肤综合征好发于7岁以下的儿童,发病诱因多为感染,皮损主要由毒血症所致;

    Conclusions : SSSS predominates in infants and children under the age of7years.Bacteria infections on skin are the main precipitating causes .

  8. 结果手足口病好发于3岁左右学龄前儿童,易发生集体感染;

    Results Preschool children of the age about 3 years were easy to have hand-food-mouth disease and offen come to collective infection ;

  9. 患者多有肝区隐痛,好发于40-50岁的男性;

    Most of these patients were male . They behaved dull pain in liver and their average ages were 40-50 years old .

  10. 桃李明年能再发,明岁闺中知是谁?

    Next year peach and plum trees will be in bloom again , But who will be the master of my boudoir then ?

  11. 其好发于30~45岁已婚妇女,近些年发病率呈上升趋势。

    It happened to married women between thirty to forty-five years old . The incidence of this disease shows a rising trend in recent years .

  12. 膝关节骨性关节炎约占各种类型关节炎的40%左右,多发于40岁以上的中老年人。

    KOA patients accounted about 40 percent population of all kinds of arthritis , and 40 years old above of people had counted the most .

  13. 结果异位妊娠好发年龄21~35岁,腹部手术史与计划生育手术是主要发病因素,计划生育手术后输卵管慢性炎症的发生率较高(P<0.05)。

    History of abdominal and family planning operation were positively related to ectopic pregnancy . The incidence of salpingitis after family planning operation was higher ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 结果牙根纵裂好发于40岁以上年龄,以磨牙及前磨牙较为多见,均伴有牙周损害。

    Results The predilection age of VRFs was over 40 years old , the predilection teeth of VRFs were molars and premolars , and most teeth with VRFs had periodontal lesions .

  15. 由于小儿肠套叠多发生于3岁以下,考虑小儿体质的特殊情况及对手术的耐受性,故以保守治疗为首要治疗方法。

    Since patients with infantile intussusceptions are mostly under the age of 3 , with consideration of physical fitness in children and their tolerance of operations , conservative treatment is the first choice .

  16. 男女比例为2.2∶1。各类意外损伤年龄特点:烧伤烫伤多发生于3岁以下儿童(占51.2%,312609),0~1岁儿童是发病高峰年龄段(占33.7%,205609);

    The ratio of boy to girl was 2.2 ∶ 1 . The incidence of scald was high in children younger than 3 years with the peak age of 0 ~ 1 years ( 33.7 % ) .

  17. 宫颈癌发病率在全球妇女恶性肿瘤中仅次于乳腺癌,患病年龄跨度很大,见于15-85岁,多发于45岁以上。

    The incidence of a cervical carcinoma is just smaller than breast carcinoma in the world malignancies of women . The women caught a cervical carcinoma aging from 15 to 85 , and mainly above 45 years old .

  18. 该病好发于20-30岁的青年人,由于确切发病机理不清楚,目前没有有效的治疗措施,成为青壮年主要致残的疾病之一。

    This disease frequently occurs in the youth 20-30 years of age . At present , because the exact pathogenesis of MS remains unclear , effective therapeutic measures are unavailable . The disease is one of the major causes of disability in youth .

  19. 本文报道23例以癫痫为首发症状的小型脑炎症性病灶的临床资料.本病多发于20岁以下的儿童和青少年,其临床表现主要为不同类型的癫痫发作;

    Cases of small-sized inflammatory focus of the cerebrum are reported in this article . Most of the cases were children and juveniles aged below 20 years old . The first symptom and the clinical manifestation of the disease are mainly various kinds of epileptic seizures .

  20. 结果:临床特征有青年好发(28.6岁),慢性病程(45月),足部软组织肿胀和疼痛(29例),皮肤糜烂、溃疡及反复流脓(16例)。

    Results : The clinical features included : Predilection in the youngster ( 28.6 age ), chronic history ( 45 months ), soft tissue swelling and pain of the foot ( 29 cases ), skin erosion , ulcer and repeatedly flowing pus ( 16 cases ) .

  21. 马克:这篇文章预计人们会晒自己十八个月时的照片,或者发名人十八岁时的照片(比如特朗普或者鹿晗)京晶:那些就挺好玩了。

    Mark : Well , the article predicts that people will post pictures of themselves at 18-months old , or post pictures of famous people ( like Donald Trump or L ù H á n ) when they were 18 years old . Those would be pretty funny .

  22. 据他父亲所说,Peek周六在犹他州的家中心脏病发,享年58岁。

    According to his father , Peek suffered a heart attack Saturday at his home in Murray , Utah . He was 58 .

  23. 跟痛症的多发年龄为40-60岁。

    The heel pain mainly appears range 40 to 60 years .

  24. 研究发现,饮食失调的典型初发期是14岁到25岁。

    Research says that typical age of onset for an eating disorder is 14 to 25 .

  25. 他穿着一身粗制的衣服,他有一副褐色的脸,蓄着一头灰色长发,大约60岁左右。

    He was wearing rough clothes , and he was about six - ty , with a brown face and long grey hair .

  26. 其好发年龄在50岁左右,女性发病率略高于男性,多见于体力劳动者。

    It usually happens to the persons at age of 50 or so with a slightly higher incidence rate in female , more commonly in manuals .

  27. 他需要找出原来要求他记住的这个相同的留着褐色长发、大约8岁的白种女孩,并能立即指出这个女孩。

    He searches for the same caucasian girl , about eight years old , with long , brown hair that he was asked to remember and immediately picks her out .

  28. 结果3870例大肠癌患者中位年龄55.3岁。好发年龄为41~70岁。

    Results Median age of 3870 cases with colorectal cancer was 55.3.The high-risk age ranged from 41 to 70.204 cases among them were young patients ( age ≤ 30,5.3 % ) .

  29. 平均发病年龄44.29岁,好发年龄为30-59岁,其中30-39岁为最多。

    The mean age at the diagnosis was 44.29 years old , the common ages ranged from 30 to 59 years old , and the peak ages were from 30 to 39 years old .

  30. 调查了1280例银屑病患者的初发年龄,平均初发年龄27.23岁,男性29.25岁,女性23.46岁。

    Our investigation showed that the mean onset age of psoriasis was 27.23 years , with male being 29.25 and female 23.46 years , respectively .