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  1. 第一步选用8~14月龄母犊12头,分4组,分别饲喂不同量的棉籽饼,折日喂游离棉酚5.8克,3.9克,2.9克和0克;

    At the first step twelve 8-14-month-old heifers were selected and divided into 4 groups , fed with different amounts of cottonseed meal corresponding to 5.8 , 3.9 , 2.9 and 0 grams of free-gossypol a day .

  2. 3、6月龄婴幼儿母传麻疹抗体阳性率分别为73.08%、42.31%和3.85%,GMT分别为1:1543、1:907、1:800;

    The maternal-transferred antibody positive rates of 0,3,6 months aged infant were 73.08 % , 42.31 % , and 3.85 % respectively , the GMT of them was 1:1 543,1:907 , and 1:800 respectively .

  3. 12月龄生长母水牛绝食代谢的研究

    Study on Fasting Metabolism of 12 Month-old Female Buffaloes

  4. 结果:随访期间内44.8%患者肿瘤缩小,间变性星形细胞瘤中位控制时间15个月,胶质母细胞瘤9个月。

    Results : There were 44 8 % of the tumors shrank . Median tumor local control interval was 10 months ( 15 months for AA and 9 months for GBM ) .

  5. 3月下旬大孢子母细胞形成,4月初进行减数分裂形成四分体,功能大孢子位于近合点端。

    The megasporocyte forms in late March and undergoes meiosis to form the megaspore tetrad in early April , The functional megaspore lies nearby the chalaza end .

  6. 自1958年1月~1991年12月收治成人肾母细胞瘤12例,均经病理证实,占同期收治的肾恶性肿瘤的2.53%(12/475)。

    From Jan , 1958 to Dec. 1991,12 cases of adult nephroblastoma have been met with and treated .

  7. 造孢细胞在7月下旬形成,8月上旬形成小孢子母细胞,8月下旬开始减数分裂,于10月上旬进入双线期,并以双线期渡过休眠。

    The sporogenous cell occurs in late July and develops into the microspore mother cell in early August . In early August , the latter starts its meiosis and enters into its diplotene phase in early October and later goes through dormancy in this form .

  8. 方法对8~12月龄和4岁儿童进行免疫成功率监测,对刚出生婴儿于0、3、6月龄时进行母传抗体水平监测;

    Methods The surveillance of the successful rate of measles immunization was carried out among 8 ~ 12 months and 4 years old children groups . The maternal-transferred measles antibody level was examined among infants at 0,3 , and 6-month age .