
  • 网络EPO;Evening primrose oil;primrose oil;Evening Primrose
  1. 目的:研究月见草油自乳化制剂,探求其最佳处方配比。

    Objective : To search for the optimum formula for the self emulsification of evening primrose oil .

  2. 而黑芝麻油组动物主动脉病理改变又较月见草油组和白芝麻油组轻,与高脂饲料组比较有显著差异。

    In black sesame oil group the pathological change of aortic endomembrane was lighter than in evening primrose oil group and white sesame oil group and was significantly different compared with cholesterol fodder group .

  3. 月见草油与维生素E对衰老模型小鼠骨丢失的影响

    Protective effects of evening primrose oil and Vitamin E on osseous changes in the aging mice induced by D-galactose

  4. [目的]观察复方黄芪月见草油制剂(CAP)对大鼠高脂血症的治疗作用。

    OBJECTIVE To observe therapeutic effects of compound Astragalus membranaceus Evening primrose oil preparation ( CAP ) on hyperlipemia in mice .

  5. 月见草油胶囊是以月见草油、紫苏子油、维生素E为主要原料制成的保健食品。

    Evening Primrose Oil Capsule is a kind of health food mainly composed of Evening Primrose Oil , seed oil of purple common perilla , and vitamin E.

  6. 采用微胶囊化技术以月见草油、卵磷脂、维生素E生产具有调节血脂功能的复合降脂冲剂。

    Microencapsulated powder of evening primrose oil , lecithin and vitamin E , were developed as a health food with a serum lipid adjustment function by spraying dry technology .

  7. 结果按显著性大小排列,影响月见草油过氧化值的因素依次为温度、储存时间和是否加维生素E。

    Results Temperature , store time and vitamine E added were the factors which influence the peroxide value of Evening Primrose Oil , among them Temperature was the most significant factor .

  8. 月见草油中γ-亚麻酸(Gamma-Linolenicacid)含量在3~5%。

    The content of Gamma - Linolenic Acid . GLA in Evening primrose oil is about 3 % 'V5 % .

  9. 方法将培养的SD大鼠乳鼠的心肌细胞随机分为三组:空白对照组、胰岛素样生长因子-I(IGF-I)组和IGF-I+月见草油组。

    Methods The cultured cells were divided into three groups as control , IGF-I group and IGF-I coupled with Evening primrose oil group .

  10. 月见草油组和黑芝麻油组的MDA值略大于高脂饲料组,但不存在显著性差异(p>0.05)。

    The concentration of MDA in evening primrose oil group and black sesame oil group were a little higher than cholesterol fodder group but shows no significant difference ( p > 0.05 ) .

  11. 结论月见草油对IGF-I致体外培养的心肌细胞肥大有抑制作用。

    Conclusion The Evening primrose oil has the effect of inhibiting the hypertrophy caused by IGF-I in cultured myocardial cells in rats .

  12. 调查人员和社论作者推测迦玛亚麻油酸(GLA)的另一种来源-月见草油也有相同的情况。

    The investigators and editorialist speculate that the same is true for evening primrose oil , another source of gamma linolenic acid ( GLA ) .

  13. 黑芝麻油组的LDL-C值明显低于高脂饲料组(p<0.01),白芝麻油组和月见草油组的LDL-C值略低于高脂饲料组,但未见显著性差异。

    Concentration of LDL-C of black sesame oil group was significantly lower than cholesterol fodder group ( p < 0.01 ), but the evening primrose oil group and white sesame oil group shows no significant difference compared with cholesterol fodder group .

  14. 月见草油含8%~10%γ-亚麻酸(C18∶3),有明显调节血脂作用,被广泛用于治疗和预防心血管疾病药物的生产。

    S : Evening primrose oil with 8 % ~ 10 % γ - linolenic acid ( C_ ( 18 ∶ 3 )), shown a significantly therapeutic effects on hyperlipidemia , has been used to develop drugs for therapeutics of heart and cardiovascular disease .

  15. 月见草油急性毒性与遗传毒性实验观察

    Study on Acute Toxicity and Genetic Toxicity of Evening Primrose Oil

  16. 月见草油可用作草药。

    Oil of evening primrose is used as a herbal medicine .

  17. 月见草油对缺锌大鼠的有利影响

    The beneficial effect of evening primrose oil on zinc deficient rats

  18. 月见草油的制备、功能和应用

    The Preparation , Function and Utilization of Evening Primrose Oil

  19. 月见草油对实验性高脂血症大鼠脂质代谢的影响

    Effects of EP Oil on Blood Lipid Metabolism in Experimental Hyperlipidemia Rats

  20. 月见草油及其质量参数测量综述

    Review on Evening Primrose Oil and It 's Determination of Quality Parameter

  21. 月见草油复方制剂对兔冠状动脉粥样硬化的影响

    Effect of compound pharmaceutics of evening primrose oil on atherosclerosis in rabbits

  22. 微胶囊月见草油复合食品添加剂及其在食品中的应用

    Production and application in food of microencapsulated evening primrose oil

  23. 复方月见草油乳剂抗脂质过氧化作用

    Anti-lipid peroxidation of emulsion of complex Oenothera biennis oil

  24. 月见草油乳剂的生物利用度研究

    A study on the bioavailability of evening primrose oil

  25. 月见草油粉末油脂及月见草油的过氧化值在贮存期间的变化

    Peroxide Value Change of Microencapsulated Evening Primrose Oil and Evening Primrose Oil during Storage

  26. 月见草油胶囊的毒理学安全性评价

    Toxicological Safety Evaluation of Evening Primrose Oil Capsule

  27. 复方黄芪月见草油制剂对大鼠高脂血症的治疗作用

    Therapeutic effects of compound Astragalus membranaceus Evening primrose oil preparation on hyperlipemia in mice

  28. 月见草油防治大鼠胃粘膜损伤的研究

    Evening primrose oil in the protection and control of the gastric mucosal damage in rats

  29. 月见草油自乳化制剂处方研究

    Self-emulsifying preparation of evening primrose oil

  30. 月见草油脂肪酸钠盐对实验性冠状动脉粥样硬化影响的病理学观察

    Pathological Observation of Effects of Fatty Acid Sodium of Evening Primrose Oil on Experimental Coronary Atherosclerosis