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  • microencapsulation
  1. 大豆蛋白和鱼油双层微囊化SOD优化条件的研究

    Optimizing Microencapsulation of SOD with Soy Protein Isolate and Fish Oil

  2. 通过微囊化技术、外包及混合造粒都可以提高CNN的稳定性。

    By microencapsulation , envelopment and mixing granulation , the stability of the CNN can be improved .

  3. 微囊化胰岛B细胞系体外生长和分泌功能的研究

    Study of the growth and secretion of microencapsulated pancreatic B cell line in vitro

  4. HPLC监测微囊化细胞培养中乳酸和丙酮酸的变化

    Monitoring Pyruvic and Lactic Acids in the Cell Culture Medium by HPLC

  5. 微囊化兔坐骨神经组织细胞移植对大鼠脊髓半横断脊神经节P物质表达的影响

    Effects of Microencapsulated Rabbit Sciatic Nerve Tissue Transplantation on Substance P Expression in Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats with Spinal Cord Hemisection

  6. 微囊化K562细胞生长周期及代谢特性的研究

    Characteristics of Cell Cycle and Metabolism in Microencapsulated K562 Cell Culture

  7. 心房肽cDNA转染细胞微囊化及心房肽近日节律性表达

    Encapsulation of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide ( ANP ) cDNA Transfection Cells and ANP Circadian Expression

  8. 微囊化CEA转基因细胞疫苗对小鼠免疫功能的影响

    Influence of microencapsulated tumor cell vaccine transfected with CEA on mouse cellular immunity

  9. 目的探讨以微囊化基因修饰细胞为载体,在局部持续分泌神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)促周围神经再生的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of locally continuous release of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on the sciatic nerve regeneration following injury in rats .

  10. 微囊化人类心房肽cDNA重组质粒转染细胞对实验性高血压大鼠肾组织学改变的影响

    Effects of Encapsulated Plasmid Recombining with hANP cDNA Transfected Cells on Morphological and Histological Characteristic of Experimental Hypertensive Rats

  11. 微囊化重组CHO细胞制备和培养条件的优化

    Preparation and Cultivation of Microencapsulated Recombinant CHO Cells

  12. 利用高压静电成囊装置,能制成粒径为(0.3~0.4)mm的高质量微囊化胰岛;

    Using a microcapsules generator with high-volt - age electrostatic field , the microencapsulated islets with diameters ranging form 0.3 - 0.4 mm are made .

  13. 微囊化转NGF基因成纤维细胞治疗周围神经损伤的研究人们对于周围神经损伤和治疗的研究多年来从未间断过,研究方法也在不断进步和深入。

    Therapy of peripheral nerve injury is continuously studied and the methods are improved constantly for many years .

  14. 目的探讨微囊化处理后大鼠松果体细胞5羟色胺N乙酰转移酶(NAT)mRNA的表达及细胞微囊的免疫原性,进一步明确人工松果体组织的功能活性与免疫屏蔽效能。

    Objective To explore the expression of serotonin N-acetyltransferase ( NAT ) mRNA in encapsulated rat pinealocytes , and evaluate the immunogenicity of pinealocytes microencapsulation .

  15. 琼脂糖胶/聚苯乙烯磺酸微囊化胰B细胞株MIN6作为人工生物胰的实验研究

    Microencapsulated Pancreatic B cell line as a bioartificial pancreas in agarose / PSSa microbeads

  16. 方法应用胶原酶消化法分离、提取牛嗜铬细胞,进行APA微囊化;

    Methods The bovine chromaffin cell ( BCC ) was isolated with collagenase ingestion .

  17. 微囊化胸腺细胞移植方法对SLE模型动物的治疗有显著效果;

    Microencapsulated thymocytes made a significant therapeutic effect to SLE mice after their being transplanted into model animals ' abdomens .

  18. 目的经过体外实验,明确微囊化新生猪胰岛样细胞团(ICC)的免疫原性。

    Objective To study the immunogenicity of microencapsulated newborn porcine islet like cell clusters ( ICC ) .

  19. APA微囊化胰岛研究进展

    Advances in research for APA microencapsulated islet

  20. 用高压静电成囊装置制备藻酸钠-多聚赖氨酸-藻酸钠(APA)微囊化细胞。

    Alginate-polylysine-alginate ( APA ) microencapsulated cells were made with a high voltage electostatic system .

  21. 微囊化CEA抗原肽表位/IL-18基因重组细胞疫苗的构建及其免疫学活性的研究

    The Study on the Construction and the Immunological Activity of the Tumor Vaccine Combined with CEA-epitopes and IL-18 in Microencapsulated Cells

  22. 实验发现:微囊化培养过程中的K562细胞处于DNA合成期(S期)的百分含量显著高于游离培养,并且细胞保持较高的增殖活性。

    It was found that the cell percent in S phase was higher and the cell viability was better when cultured in microcapsule than that in free culture .

  23. 用改良胶原酶消化技术和聚蔗糖密度梯度离心方法将大鼠胰岛从胰腺分离,按Sun等的方法用海藻酸和聚赖氨酸等予以微囊化。

    Rat pancreatic islets were microencapsulated with , sodium alginate and poly-lysine , according to Sun 's method after being isolated from pancreatic tissue using modified collagenase digestion and Ficoll density gradient separation .

  24. 微囊化(APA)猪甲状腺组织治疗甲状腺功能减退大鼠前后甲状腺功能的变化

    The Change of Thyroid Gland Function of Hypothyroid Rats Before and after Transplantation with Microencapsulated Porcine Thyroid Gland

  25. 对移植的微囊化PC12细胞回收后再培养,以MTT和台盼兰检测细胞活性。

    The retrieved encapsulated PC12 cells were recultured and their activities were tested by MTT and Trypan blue test .

  26. 每个微囊化和未微囊化胰岛体外培养每24h释放的胰岛素分别为63±42μu和69±42μu。

    The insulin released by each microencapsulated and unencapsulated islet in culture per 24 hours was 63 ± 42 μ u and 69 ± 42 μ u respectively .

  27. 微囊化BCC脑内移植有望成为治疗帕金森病的一种有效方法。

    The transplantation of encapsulated bovine chromaffin cells may be a prospective method for treatment of Parkinson ' disease .

  28. 结论:BCC移植对福尔马林致痛大鼠有镇痛作用,可以抑制福尔马林致痛大鼠脊髓后角CFos的表达,微囊化BCC效果优于BCC。

    Conclusion : Transplantation of microencapsulated BCC can produce analgesic effect on formalin-induced rats , and reduce the expression of C-fos in spinal dorsal cord .

  29. 通过牛嗜铬细胞在添加壳聚糖的培养液中培养、牛嗜铬细胞的ACA微囊化培养以及ACA微囊化牛嗜铬细胞的动物移植实验来考察微胶囊材料的生物相容性。

    Primary bovine chromaffin cell was cultured in the presence of chitosan in order to test the in vitro biocompatibility of chitosan .

  30. 首先比较了大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母细胞在ACA液芯微胶囊内和固芯微胶囊内的生长情况,其次考察了液芯微囊化酿酒酵母细胞的代谢和多批次培养情况。

    The growth and metabolism of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae and E. coli were compared within the environment situation in ACA liquid core microcapsule .