
  • 网络image intensifier
  1. GaAs光电阴极经Cs-O(铯-氧)激活后灵敏度的高低直接影响三代微光像增强器性能。

    The sensitivity of GaAs photocathode after activated by Cs-O directly influences the performance of the three generation image intensifier .

  2. 作为微光像增强器核心部件之一的微通道板(microchannelplate,简称MCP),在放大输入信号的同时,也放大并产生噪声,理论普遍认为它是整个像增强器的主要噪声源。

    Micro-channel plate ( referred to as MCP ) is one of the core components of image intensifier . In the process of amplifying signal input also enlarged the noise . The theory existed generally deemed it as the main source of noise of image intensifier .

  3. 微光像增强器信噪比与MCP电压关系应力增敏的光纤布拉格光栅压强传感器

    Relation between signal-to-noise ratio of LLL image intensifier and voltage of MCP Stress Sensitivity Enhanced in-Fiber Bragg Grating Pressure Sensor

  4. 本文采用MATLAB软件编程,仿真计算出等电位线、电子运动轨迹以及不同参数下的分辨率变化情况,得到高分辨率的微光像增强器。

    In this paper , we program using the MATLAB software , calculate the equipotential line , E-trajectories and the resolutions at the different parameters , final obtain the image intensifier with the high resolution .

  5. 微通道板(MCP)是一种先进的电子倍增器,是微光像增强器的核心部件。

    The Microchannel plane ( MCP ) is an electron multiplier , which is the core component of the low-light-level ( LLL ) image intensifier .

  6. 通过开展微光像增强器halo效应的测量研究,进一步推动了微光像增强器制管工艺的改进,并为微光像增强器性能评价提供了新的测试手段。

    The study of the halo effect measurement would further motivate the improvement of tube-making process , and provide the new testing methods for the performance evaluation of the LLL image intensifier .

  7. 尽管经过几代科研工作者的努力,国内已经建立了一条比较完整的三代微光像增强器研制线,但目前国内制备的GaAs光电阴极在灵敏度和稳定性上与国外还有较大差距。

    After several generations researchers ' efforts a comparative complete manufacture line of the third generation imaging intensifier has been established in our nation , but national prepared GaAs photocathodes have big distance from foreign ones in sensitivity and stability .

  8. MCP因其优异的电子倍增功能而成为微光像增强器核心部件,荧光屏作为微光像增强器中人眼获取微光图像的直接来源而倍受重视。

    MCP is the core component of the Low-light image intensifier for its advantage as high electron multiplying . Fluorescent screen , as the direct source of low light level image for human eyes , become more and more important .

  9. 微光像增强器光子增益的测试研究

    Research on the testing of LLL image intensifier photo gain

  10. 微光像增强器高速脉冲门控电源技术的研究

    High-speed Pulse Gated Power Supply Technology for Advanced Image Intensifiers

  11. 微光像增强器近贴距离在线测试方法研究

    On-line testing method of proximity distance for LLL image intensifier

  12. 二代倒像微光像增强器管内质量污染分析

    Analysis of Mass Pollution Gen. ⅱ Inverter Low-Light-Level Image Intensifier

  13. 用光电倍增管测量微光像增强器噪声

    Testing the Noise of Image Intensifier with Multiplier Phototube

  14. 微光像增强器的最新发展动向

    The Latest Development of Low-Light - Level Image Intensifier

  15. 微光像增强器的进展及分代方法

    Image intensifier 's progress and division of generations

  16. 三代微光像增强器制管工艺对阴极光电发射性能的影响

    Effect of Tube Making Technique for Generation ⅲ Low-light-level Image Intensifier on Photoemissive Property of photocathode

  17. 结合微光像增强器制管工艺,对二代微光管所用的钽、钛吸气剂性能进行研究。

    The performance of Ti Ta absorbent used in Generation ⅱ low light level tube is researched .

  18. 介绍了一种介于微光像增强器和热成像之间的近红外固体成像技术。

    The Near-Infrared Solid imaging night-vision was introduced that is located between Image-Intensifier Tubes and thermal imaging .

  19. 介绍了微光像增强器的主要性能指标及其对系统成像的影响。

    The main performance parameters of low level light intensifiers and their effects on system imaging are introduced .

  20. 微光像增强器作为微光夜视仪的主要元件,具有重量轻、体积小,暗噪声低、隐蔽性好等优点,其研究状况直接影响着微光夜视仪的发展。

    As the main component of night vision device , low-light level image intensifier has a direct impact on development of night vision devices .

  21. 微光像增强器是一种能够探测二维弱光图像的光电器件,是现代夜视技术的核心器件,应用范围非常广。

    The low-light-level image intensifier which can detect two-dimensional weak light picture is the most important device of night-vision technology , it has a very wide range of applications .

  22. 第二章介绍了微光像增强器的原理、特性、种类、性能参数及其相应的测试原理和方法。

    In the second chapter , the principle , characteristics , types and parameters of LLL image intensifier are introduced . The measurement principle and methods about parameters are also emphasized .

  23. 微光像增强器是夜视技术的核心部件,经历了一代、二代、超二代、三代和四代等发展历程。

    Low-level-light image intensifier is the key component in night vision technology . It goes through development period of first generation , second-generation , ultra second-generation , third generation and fourth generation .

  24. 微光像增强器是各类微光夜视设备中的核心器件,其分辨率制约着微光夜视技术的发展。

    Image intensifier ( I2 ) is the core device of the low-light level ( LLL ) night vision equipment . The resolution of 12 restricts the development of Night Vision technology .

  25. 微通道板作为三代微光像增强器的主要部件,它的特性成为决定三代微光夜视技术发展的因素之一。

    Micro-channel plate is one of the most main components of third generation image intensifier , its characteristics become one of the factors determining the development of third generation of night vision technology .

  26. 文中阐述了微光像增强器总体性能应以品质因数而不是代的概念进行评价。

    The present paper shows that the overall performance of low light level image intensifiers should be evaluated by the " figure of merit ", rather than by the concept of " generation " .

  27. 在微光像增强器成像中,迭加在图像上的时空域噪声,不仅限制系统可工作的最低照度,而且使显示图像有随机蠕动颗粒闪烁的外观。

    In the low light level image processing , the time and space domain noise in the signal not only limits the lowest illuminance of the system but also make the image show random glitter .

  28. 降低微通道板噪声和增加其电子增益是改善微光像增强器信噪比、视场清晰度和亮度增益最好的技术途经之一。

    To reduce the noise and increase the electron gain of microchannel plate ( MCP ) is one of the best solutions to improve the signal-to-noise ratio , FOV definition and brightness gain for image intensifiers .

  29. 微光像增强器作为一种在低照度下对目标的探测和识别的电真空器件,其噪声特性直接制约者它的观察效果和视距,是影响其成像效果的重要因素。

    Image intensifier is an electric vacuum device in a low illumination on the target detection and recognition . Its noise characteristics directly control observation effects and horizon , which is an important factor affecting the imaging effect .

  30. 目前,我国的Ⅲ代微光像增强器的性能参数仍然有待提高,还在实验室研究的阶段。分辨力是对微光像增强器进行评价的一个重要指标,它表征了像增强器成像的清晰度。

    The Ill-generation tube of China is still in the laboratory , and its performance needs to be improved . Resolution , which represents the image sharpness , is one of the important indicators of LLL image intensifier .