
  1. 丝绸和羊毛之类的纯天然织物比合成纤维的保暖性更好。

    Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics .

  2. 她做饭只用纯天然的佐料。

    She cooks with natural ingredients only .

  3. “清洁饮食”的基本要素包括——吃很多水果和蔬菜。蔬果都是纯天然的食物——这一理念就是要避免摄入任何可能以任何形式加工了的食品。

    The basics of clean eating include - eating lots of fruits and vegetables . These are straight from nature - the idea is to stay away from anything that may have been altered in any way .

  4. 所以这种酒是纯天然的,而且当你身处地中海梯田,俯瞰碧蓝大海并远眺蓝色天空的时候,还有什么比诗人济慈吟诵的“啜饮一大杯暖意浓浓的南国酒”更让人高兴的事呢?

    So it 's all perfectly2 natural , and on a Mediterranean3 terrace , looking over a blue sea and a blue sky , what could be more delightful4 than ' a beaker full of the warm South ' as Keats put it .

  5. 本品所采用的维生素E为纯天然的维生素E,从油脂加工的副产物中提取出来。

    This product is used in natural vitamin E as vitamin E , oil processing by-products from the extract .

  6. 跟随化妆品顾问SallyHornsley一起制作纯天然的化妆品。

    Make your own natural cosmetics with Sally Hornsley , cosmetic consultant .

  7. EM作为一种纯天然的绿色饲料添加剂在畜牧业中具有广泛的用途。

    EM is a feed additive with a pure natural character , which is widely used in livestock husbandry .

  8. 茶新菇(Agrocybeaegerita)是一种集营养、保健于一身的纯天然食用菌。

    Agrocybe aegerita is an edible mushroom which is nutritious and good for health .

  9. 而且,DrPepperSnapple眼下正在三大市场中试验营销DrPepper、七喜和CanadaDry三种混合了甜叶菊和糖的纯天然甜味饮料。

    And Dr Pepper Snapple is currently testing three naturally sweetened versions of Dr Pepper , 7up , and Canada Dry , with stevia and sugar , in three markets .

  10. DrPepperSnappleGroup今年调整了Snapple茶饮料配方,以去掉HFCS,并在4月份将其标识改为纯天然Snapple。

    Dr Pepper Snapple Group this year reformulated its Snapple tea drinks to take out the HFCS and in April changed its logo to All Natural Snapple .

  11. 豆渣SDF可以作为纯天然的功能性添加剂添加到各种食品中,使产品同时具有良好的稳定性和保健功能。

    SDF of soybean dregs could be used as natural functional additives added to various food products , and the product has a good stability and healthy function .

  12. 本论文为模拟纯天然的细胞外基质生长微环境以促进干细胞的生长、分化,一种基于PHA材料的纳米纤维材料尝试通过溶剂冻干法来进行制备。

    To mimic the real microenvironment of extracellular matrix ( ECM ) for stem cell growth and differentiation , novel nano-fiber matrices based on PHA polymers were prepared via a sonication with freeze-drying process .

  13. 结果是与两个纯天然基因的图谱只有细微的差别,这使得Venter研究小组不论使用哪一个来做人工基因的制作路线图,准确程度都差不多。

    The two road maps differed slightly , forcing the Venter scientists to commit to following one or the other , without knowing which genome was more accurate .

  14. 爱屋露(AURO)100%纯天然涂料

    AURO Pure Natural Paint

  15. 两周后分解的Applegate鸡柳不含这些添加剂,所以包装盒上写的是纯天然。

    The Applegate strips that dissolved after two weeks had no such additives and were billed on the box as ' all natural . '

  16. 利用热风喷雾干燥方法生产纯天然柑橘(橙)果粉

    Preparation of pure citrus fruit powder by hot air spray drying

  17. 纯天然植物缬草根中提取,无毒副作用。

    Pure natural plant extract valerian grass-roots , non-toxic side effects .

  18. 双水相体系/溶剂反萃取法制备高纯天然烟碱

    Preparation of Nicotine by Aqueous Two Phase System / Reverse Extraction

  19. 抗硫化返原剂在纯天然橡胶复合体系中的应用研究

    Study on application of anti-recovery agents in pure natural rubber compounds

  20. 尝试纯天然、无脂肪的优酪乳吧,你可以自己添加水果哦。

    Try plain , fat-free yogurt and add your own fruit .

  21. 风景石-这些玲珑剔透的风景石都是纯天然的奇石。

    Landscape Stone-These exquisitely carved stone landscapes are natural stones .

  22. 人们对纯天然有机食品及饮品的需求越来越强烈。

    People is thirsty for purely natural and organic foods and drinks .

  23. 是不可多得的纯天然、绿色的高档海洋保健食品。

    Is a rare natural , green high-grade marine health food products .

  24. 纯天然植物柳蒿芽发酵酒的研制

    The Spring Willow Development of Wine from Pure Natural Plant Artemisia integrifolia

  25. 它属于植物蛋白酶,具有纯天然,安全无毒,使用简便等特点。

    It has the characters of natural , safety and convenient application .

  26. 她不用任何起酥油,只用纯天然黄油。

    She uses no shortening in her creations ; only pure butter .

  27. 水果汁&纯天然保健饮料。

    Fruit juice & a purely natural health drink .

  28. 哪一个是纯天然的洗发精?

    Which one is one hundred percent natural shampoo ?

  29. 纯天然植物纤维、食用级的抗菌剂、天然纤维素。

    Pure natural plant fibers , food-grade antimicrobial substance , and natural cellulose .

  30. 纯天然荔汁,滴滴清透,丝丝娇柔。

    Pure natural lichee juice , clear drops with charming and sweet taste .