
  • 网络The Age of Innocence;The Wonder Years
  1. 伊迪斯·华顿;纯真年代;叙事艺术;

    Edith Wharton ; The Age of Innocence ; narrative art ;

  2. 纯真年代中的对比艺术通过构建工程菌E。

    Contrast Used in the Age of Innocence In contrast to E.

  3. 她的代表作《纯真年代》使她获得了普利策奖的殊荣。

    On the Representation Artistry in the Age of Innocence ;

  4. 《纯真年代》和《家》的妇女形象之文化差异

    The Comparison of Women Image-Building between the Age of Innocence and Family

  5. 《纯真年代》获得最佳服装奖。

    The Age of Innocence won an award for the best costumes .

  6. 永恒的‘纯真年代’,也不会只是记忆或幻想。

    Staying real forever will no longer be simply memory or fantasy .

  7. 隐藏在《纯真年代》矛盾下的伊迪斯·沃顿的哲学前提

    Edith Wharton 's Philosophical Assumptions Underlying the Contradictions in the Age of Innocence

  8. 让我吃惊的是,当我离开纯真年代办公楼的时候,我还真是感到温暖而舒心。

    To my surprise I left the Innocent offices feeling warm and fuzzy .

  9. 故事发生在两周前那是纯真年代

    Our story began two weeks ago , it was a simpler time .

  10. 刘庆邦:逝去的纯真年代

    Liu Qingbang : The Lost Age of Innocence

  11. 从《纯真年代》的两个中译本看等效翻译的途径

    An Approach to Equivalent Effect Translation from Two Chinese Versions of The Age of Innocence

  12. 纯真年代中的对比艺术

    Contrast Used in the Age of Innocence

  13. 欢迎来到“非纯真年代”。

    Welcome to the'age of un-innocence ' .

  14. 文学意境的诗意传达&论电影《纯真年代》的视觉风格对原作主题的深化

    A Poetic Convey of the Literary World : On the Visual Style of Age of Innocence

  15. 纯真年代里的红色类型片重读十七年抗战电影本土化叙事的智慧十七年军旅题材类型片创作的启示

    " Red Genre " in the Age of Innocence The Wisdom of the Local Movie Narration

  16. 从语域分析的角度看小说《纯真年代》中对话的汉译

    A Study on Dialogue Translation in the Age of Innocence from the Viewpoint of Register Analysis

  17. 那是个纯真年代。

    Those were simple times .

  18. 1920年出版的《纯真年代》为伊迪丝·华顿赢得了普利策奖。

    The Age of Innocence , published in 1920 , helps Edith Wharton win the Pulitzer Prize .

  19. 这位《纯真年代》里的可爱卷发美女曾与人研究出了一道数学原理呢。

    The cute , fringe-haired beauty from ' The Wonder Years , " has co-authored a math theorem .

  20. 这有点让人怀念那个纯真年代,那时候共和党人只是试图在一个机场的卫生间性骚扰一个陌生人。

    It kind of makes you miss those innocent days when Republicans just tried to blow a stranger in an airport bathroom .

  21. 现实囚笼中的精神自由&从《纯真年代》的人物塑造看伊迪丝·华顿的女性意识

    The Spiritual Freedom in the Cage of Actuality & Searches on Edith Wharton 's Female Consciousness by the Images in The Age of Innocence

  22. 这位《纯真年代》里的可爱刘海儿美女曾与人合著一个数学定理,可现在谁还记得这个?

    The cute , fringe-haired beauty from ' The Wonder Years , " has co-authored a math theorem . Now who would have thought that ?

  23. 我最早预测这种转变是在1997年。那是一个纯真年代,送货使用的是箱式货车,建筑师还只是一个名词。

    I first predicted the turn in 1997 , in an innocent age when delivery was something that involved a van and when architect was a noun .

  24. 美国女作家伊迪丝·华顿的代表作《纯真年代》是二十世纪美国最优秀的小说之一。

    The Age of Innocence , the representative of American female writer Edith Wharton , is one of the best novels in America in the 20th century .

  25. 1921年,一战结束之后两年,伊迪斯·华顿发表了代表她艺术顶峰的作品&《纯真年代》。

    In 1921 , two years after the end of the First World War , American novelist Edith Wharton published her best work of art : The Age of Innocence .

  26. 新港的悬崖是由镀金时代的巨大大理石建筑组成的。伊迪丝·华顿的小说《纯真年代》是关于镀金时代最好的记录。

    The cliffs of Newport are presided over by gigantic marble mansions from the Gilded Age , a time best memorialized by Edith Wharton 's novel , The Age of Innocence .

  27. 本论文重点运用女性主义叙事学理论中声音的概念,对《纯真年代》文本中的声音进行解读,分析隐含于其中的女性声音,试图对华顿的研究做一点补白。

    This paper aims to interpret " The Age of Innocence " from the perspective of theory of feminine narratology , analyze feminine voices and try to perfect the studying of Wharton .

  28. 表面上,作家以怀旧的情怀描述了一个人人尊重传统习俗、将天真纯洁作为至高无上道德准则的纯真年代。

    On the surface , the novelist describes an age of innocence in which people respect conventions and cherish innocence as the most important merit in morality with nostalgia for old times .

  29. 伊迪丝·华顿是一位美国非常有影响力的女作家,她的两部小说《欢乐之家》和《纯真年代》让她名声大噪,获得了很大成功。

    Edith Wharton is a very influential American female writer . Her two main novels , The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence , have brought her great fame and success .

  30. 归到最后的结论中,如果用萨特的存在主义哲学来看,《纯真年代》中的人物做什么选择是自由的,这是意识的绝对自由。

    In a word , looking from Sartrean existentialists ' view , all the characters of The Age of Innocence are free to make choices . The freedom is absolute freedom of consciousness .