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chún cuì
  • pure;sheer;simple;complete;absolute;purity;unadulterated;sincerity
纯粹 [chún cuì]
  • (1) [pure;unadulterated]∶不搀杂其它成分的;无搀合物的;不含添加、替代或异质物质的

  • 一个纯粹的人

  • (2) [simple]∶没有搀杂的;同一个类型的

  • 他们原始的语言至今还纯粹,没有搀杂任何东西

  • (3) [absolute]∶真正体现了事物的本质的

纯粹[chún cuì]
  1. 我纯粹是因为嘴馋贪吃,又吃了一份冰激凌。

    I had another helping of ice cream out of pure greed .

  2. 他们私通纯粹是受淫欲的驱使。

    Their affair was driven by pure lust .

  3. 他采取这些行动纯粹是为了促进自己的事业发展。

    He took these actions purely in furtherance of his own career .

  4. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  5. 我误以为这门课是给纯粹的初学者开的。

    I was under the misapprehension that the course was for complete beginners .

  6. 最终把他们拖垮的纯粹是她的不屈不挠。

    It was her sheer persistence that wore them down in the end .

  7. 她对他感兴趣纯粹是因为性的原因。

    Her interest in him is purely sexual .

  8. 那篇文章纯粹是胡说八道。

    The article was just so much nonsense .

  9. 听这门课纯粹是自愿的。

    Attendance on the course is purely voluntary .

  10. 这纯粹是我的猜测。

    This is pure surmise on my part .

  11. 我并没有问到具体某个人——那不过是个纯粹假设性的问题。

    I wasn 't asking about anybody in particular ─ it was a purely hypothetical question .

  12. 那纯粹是胡说。

    That 's just bullshit .

  13. 我之所以这么做,纯粹是因为我信不过任何人。

    I had to do it for the simple reason that I couldn 't trust anyone else .

  14. 你该不是说他是纯粹出于好心主动借钱给你的吧?

    You 're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart ?

  15. 她之所以彻底搞砸了一个重大项目纯粹是因为不够上心。

    She completely mishandled an important project purely through lack of attention

  16. 还有,就是纯粹缺乏想象力。

    There is , too , a simple failure of imagination

  17. 心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。

    Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy

  18. 他对大自然怀有一种极为纯粹的乌托邦式看法。

    His was a utopian vision of nature in its purest form .

  19. 我们结婚纯粹是为了给孩子一个合法身份。

    We only married in order that the child should be legitimate .

  20. 这些人纯粹是胡说八道。

    These guys talk an awful load of old cobblers .

  21. 这不是一件纯粹为艺术而艺术的华而不实的东西,而是进行了大胆创新的非凡作品。

    This isn 't highfalutin art-about-art . It 's marvellous and adventurous stuff .

  22. 纯粹的体力劳动已经产生了极其不利的影响。

    The sheer physical effort had exacted a heavy price

  23. 他们真正擅长的是纯粹的摇滚乐。

    What they were really good at was full-on rock'n'roll

  24. 政府说这些举措纯粹是出于防御目的。

    The government said the moves were purely defensive .

  25. 尼科尔森始终坚持创作纯粹简单的艺术,从未动摇过。

    Nicholson never swerved from his aim of making pure and simple art .

  26. 该书的煽情结局纯粹是好莱坞式的。

    The book 's sentimental denouement is pure Hollywood .

  27. 科学家将物质转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹。

    Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb .

  28. 使用类固醇的男人纯粹是受虚荣心的驱使。

    Men who use steroids are motivated by sheer vanity

  29. 对于无家可归的人而言,私人医疗纯粹是天方夜谭。

    For the homeless , private medical care is simply out of the question

  30. 灵感的激发通常纯粹是靠运气。

    Sheer chance quite often plays an important part in sparking off an idea .