首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 他们靠他挣的那点钱无法维持生活。

    They can 't exist on the money he 's earning .

  2. 他所得到的那点建议结果证明几乎完全没用。

    Such advice as he was given has proved almost worthless .

  3. 我那点日语有两个单词就很难摆到一起用了。

    I can barely string two words together in Japanese .

  4. 他把自己仅有的那点家具留给了房东抵房租。

    He left what little furniture he owned to his landlord in lieu of rent .

  5. 管理部门把他仅有的那点财物还给了他。

    The management handed back his few possessions

  6. 在那点上我的决定确实错了。

    I really made the wrong decision there

  7. 同播出的实际开支相比较,他那点酬金不过是九牛一毛。

    His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting .

  8. 工党那点斩获远不足以让他们赢得大选。

    That sort of gain for Labour is nothing like good enough to win them the general election

  9. 与120万英镑的总债务相比,他们所欠国内税收署的那点钱实在不算什么。

    What they owe to the Inland Revenue is small fry compared to the overall £ 1.2 million debt

  10. 这使得该国严重依赖每年救济的那点美元,成了“嗜援成瘾”的国家。

    It turned the country into an ' aid junkie ' , heavily dependent on its annual fix of dollars

  11. 那点小小的帮助可能会为你带来好的结果。

    That little help may get you good results .

  12. PAMS(秘鲁裔美国人医学协会)在秘鲁的阿班凯发起的医疗援助活动进行到第二天时,我们已经对这一切习以为常,并且能充分利用医院里仅有的那点资源了。

    By the second day of a medical mission hosted by PAMS ( Peruvian American Medical Society ) in Abancay , Peru , it was easy to start adapting and taking advantage of what we did have inside the hospital .

  13. 我们那点钱来的不容易。

    We went through hell to earn this bit of money .

  14. 想用你那点薪水买套房子是根本不可能的。

    Buy a house on your salary doesn 't make sence .

  15. 他们那点匮乏的物资必须省着用以挨过冬天。

    Their meagre supplies have to be eked out throughout the winter .

  16. 我赞成那点,可是我受到许多良心上的责备。

    I was for it , but I encountered many conscientious scruple .

  17. 你想过这点、那点和其他情况吗?

    Did you think of this , that , and the other ?

  18. 你发现了那点,你就会被打回中古世纪。

    You catch that , you 're stuck in the dark ages .

  19. 他们发现靠他们赚的那点钱生活的确不易。

    They find it hard to live off the money they make .

  20. 对,刚刚倒是没想到那点,快逃!

    Yeah , didn 't think about that . run !

  21. “把剩下的那点蜡烛拿来吧,”她命令他。

    " Bring what 's left of the candle ," she ordered .

  22. 丹妮所知的维斯特洛伊历史使她足以知晓那点。

    Dany knew enough of Westerosi history to know that .

  23. 基于以上那点,那么传统的历史成本会计模式更糟糕。

    On that score the old system of historic-cost accounting was worse .

  24. 你怎能凭那点小孩子偏偏就说我的坏话呢?

    How can you hold that bit of childish temper against me ?

  25. 他给她的那点钱连给孩子买衣服都不够。

    She can hardly dress her children on the allowance he give her .

  26. 别人知道的话,会利用那点来对付你。

    People know , they use that against you .

  27. 你们疯了,认为你们写那点词就能跟我玩吗?

    You crazy , think your little bit of rhymes can play me ?

  28. 我想向你们展示那点。

    And I want to show that to you .

  29. 不过那点完全取决于你。

    But that is entirely up to you .

  30. 拜托,我给你们那点啤酒,你们先喝着。

    Please , let me get you some beers , you and your boys .