
  • 网络indeed
  1. 若债券购买规模与本周初的市场混乱相称,那确实会非常大。

    Buying commensurate to the disruption at the beginning of this week would have been heavy indeed .

  2. 大家都读过格林童话吧,那确实很恐怖。

    I think we 've all read the Grimms ' fairy tales , which are , indeed , very grim .

  3. 那确实是场灾难!

    That was a disaster if ever there was one !

  4. 正如我以前所写,那确实是个警告

    As I have written before , that 's quite a caveat .

  5. 这里有几种通过在genmodel中设置而规避的方法,但是那确实更多高级用户所使用的方法。

    There are ways to get around this by specifying settings in the genmodel , but that is for more advanced users .

  6. 我想那确实是一个很好的出发点。

    I think that 's actually quite a good starting point .

  7. 那确实还挺酷的。

    Yeah , it was quite a cool project , actually .

  8. 那确实是一顿丰盛的饭!

    That was a fine meal if ever there was one !

  9. 你可以关闭该基金,那确实是一种选择。

    You can close the fund , that 's one option .

  10. 那确实。我也在全身发抖。

    That 's true . I 'm also shivering all over .

  11. 如果说这看起来不对,那确实如此。

    If that seems wrong , that 's because it is .

  12. 那确实是很奇怪的做法,不过有用就行。

    That is a strange thing to do , but whatever works .

  13. 那确实是只手,正抵着我的皮肤。

    It was distinctly a hand , and right against my skin .

  14. 那确实是一件迫切需要我们关注的问题。

    That is really a serious problem which needs our close attention .

  15. “那确实很有帮助,贝拉。”他吼道。

    That 's very helpful , Bella , he snapped .

  16. 在当时那确实是一个很激进的改革

    and that was a really radical thing to do .

  17. 那确实很忙。无论如何,你还是要照顾好你自己。

    That 's really busy . Anyway , take care of yourself .

  18. 我们知道,那确实是个很棒的主意

    We know , and that was a wonderful idea ,

  19. 不!那确实是一份正当职业。

    Not at all ! It 's completely above board .

  20. 但那确实是另一种内战

    But it was a different kind of Civil War .

  21. 那确实是令人钦羡的人生之路。

    Surely that is an admirable way to lead one 's life .

  22. 你们历史教授在学术界是挺有名的,可是你说他不太会讲课:呀,那确实是挺让学生失望的。

    LL : Well , my History Professor is a real letdown .

  23. 我想一开始那确实是一种巨大的失落感,

    I think at first it was a tremendous disappointment ,

  24. 西比尔:是呀,那确实是真的。

    Sybil : Yes , that 's certainly true .

  25. 我敢起誓,那确实是她说的。

    As God is my witness , that 's exactly what she said .

  26. 那确实就是现在我所想要的。

    That is exactly what I want right now .

  27. 对不起,那确实不是我说的。

    I am sorry , I did say that .

  28. 对斯科菲尔德来说,那确实是一个大大的惊喜。

    It was really a big surprise to Scofield .

  29. 我告诉你们制服的故事因为那确实发生了。

    I tell the uniform story because it happened .

  30. 你只需要相信那确实会发生。

    You just have to trust that it will .