
  • 网络cosmic magnetic field
  1. 本文讨论了有质量的Dirac粒子在宇宙磁场中的演化。

    In this paper we discussed the evolution of the massy Dirac-particle in the primordial cosmic magnetic field .

  2. 通过求解Dirac方程,得到了中微子在宇宙磁场中的表观磁矩。

    By solving the Dirac equation we obtained an apparent magnetic moment of the neutrino in the primordial cosmic magnetic field .

  3. 宇宙磁场通过“变压器效应”调制地核中的Lorenz力,使地核环流变化,进而影响地球系统演化。

    Cosmic magnetic field adjusts the Lorenz in centrosphere by " transformer effect ", which influences the evolution of the Earth system .

  4. 宇宙磁场中的中微子

    The Neutrino in the Primordial Cosmic Magnetic Field

  5. 宇宙磁场使空间度规出现各向异性。

    The field changes the isotropic metric of the space into the anisotropic one .

  6. 宇宙磁场必然具有拓扑不变性这个结论是有条件地成立的,而不是普遍的。

    However , this conclusion is valid only in the cases satisfying certain conditions , but is not generally true .

  7. 目前,利用偏振光磁光效应进行科学研究的领域越来越多,如研究宇宙磁场、观察微观磁场结构等诸多方面。

    At present , the territory is more and more that scientific research make use of polarized light magneto-optic effecting , for example , studying magnetic of universe , observing the structure of microcosm magnetic , and so on .