
  • 网络That is me;It Is Me;I am;Thats Me
  1. 如果你看到了这些,你知道那就是我吗?

    If you see this , do you know that is me ?

  2. 本次比赛成员有:表姐、表哥,当然还有黑马一匹,那就是我啦!

    This competition member includes : my Cousins and cousin , and , of course , black horse and a , that is me !

  3. 如果有人该承担责任,那就是我。

    If anyone 's to blame , it 's me .

  4. 那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。

    That 's a philosophy I could live by .

  5. 那就是我所有的一切。

    It was all that I had .

  6. 我不喜欢他,如果假装喜欢,那就是我不诚实了。

    I don 't like him , and it would be dishonest of me to pretend otherwise .

  7. 我不信上帝却到教堂举行婚礼,那就是我的虚伪了。

    It would be hypocritical of me to have a church wedding when I don 't believe in God .

  8. 如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。

    If ever a man needed your love , I need it .

  9. 那就是我俩看法不一的地方。

    That is where we differ

  10. 我渐渐开始面对这个事实,那就是我几乎一事无成。

    I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success .

  11. 那就是我喜欢的东西。

    That is what my like .

  12. 一个人和一件东西改变了我的生活:那就是我的母亲和一个白色的塑料自行车篮子。

    Two things changed my life : my mother and a white plastic bike basket .

  13. 因此,爸爸认为那就是我应当为之奋斗的目标。

    So Dad suggested that 's what I ought to shoot for .

  14. 但是,我的工作并不仅仅是研究,还包括寻找我的梦想所在,那就是我为什么会成为谷歌科技展大奖的得主,很漂亮的照片,是吧,对于我来说是无比的兴奋,无比的荣耀。

    But my work wasn 't just about the research . It was about finding my passion . That 's why being the grand prize winner of the Google Global Science Fair -- cute picture , right -- it was so exciting to me and it was such an amazing honor .

  15. 这显示了我们想要做的另一件事,那就是我在这段代码中设置了一个,名为Solution,Found的变量,初始值设为。

    And that shows you one other nice little thing we want to do , which is if I look in this code notice I set up a variable up here called false Solution Found , initially bound to false .

  16. 事实上,当我进行4C测试之后,那就是我的得分结论。

    In fact , when I took the 4Cs test , that 's how I scored .

  17. 我喜欢拍《午夜凶杀》,那就是我留在WEFL的原因。

    I love doing " Murder at Midnight " . That 's why I 've stayed at WEFL .

  18. 那个特殊的男孩就是李京洲。那就是我!

    The special boy is Li Jingzhou , that 's me !

  19. 妈妈,那就是我没吃的那块。

    That 's the one I haven 't had , Mum .

  20. 那就是我的骑马生涯故事。

    And that 's the story of my saddle BRONC career .

  21. 那就是我当时的月收入目标。

    That was my monthly business income goal at the time .

  22. 那就是我为什么会是电视机的守护神的原因。

    That 's why I 'm the patron saint of television .

  23. 但我有个问题,那就是我的画不能跳舞。

    But I had one problem , my paintings never danced .

  24. 那就是我所谓的失败的教育。

    That 's the sort of thing that is bad education .

  25. 我猜那就是我不出外的原因。

    I guess that 's why I don 't go out .

  26. 那就是我。但是我感受到的荷马的诗篇。

    I am wont to think that I can read Homer .

  27. 那就是我需要喝咖啡提神的时候了。

    That 's when I drink coffee to wake me up .

  28. 那就是我认为你喜欢这戏的原因。

    That 's why I thought you 'd like the play .

  29. 那就是我,正站在你面前的这位姑娘。

    None other than me , who stands before you now .

  30. 那就是我为什么叫你过来帮忙。

    That 's why I offered to come over and help .