
  1. 那一晚,警察强行打开公寓大门,逮捕了罗伯茨先生。

    That evening police forced the door of the flat and arrested Mr Roberts

  2. 那一晚,农夫难以入睡,他开始变得不快乐而且不满足起来。

    That night the farmer couldn 't sleep . He was unhappy and he was discontent .

  3. John就是那一晚怀上的,然后,仅仅几个小时后,你被杀了。

    John was conceived that night , then mere hours later , you were killed .

  4. 那一晚她把Drew聊了个底儿掉

    And she talked the hell out of Drew that night . Oh ...

  5. 那一晚,他的数百位朋友来到了剧院,Hugo写到了这些浪漫主义者的到来,

    And hundreds of them came to the theater that night , and Hugo writes about this arrival of the Romantics ,

  6. 在选举的那一晚,Gingrich说媒体在之前已经宣布他会失败,而他现在退出初选的可能并不比当时更大。

    On election night , however , Mr Gingrich said that the media has declared him dead before , and that he is no closer to quitting now than he was then .

  7. 那一晚我根本不该追出去。

    I never should have gone out after you that night .

  8. 你永远不会明白那一晚对我的意义有多重要。

    You will never know what that night meant for me .

  9. 你还记得酒吧那一晚的事吗

    Do you remember anything about that night at the bar ?

  10. 寂静岭烧起大火那一晚。

    The night of the big fire in silent hill .

  11. 我想问的是,那一晚发生了什么。

    My point is , what happened the other night .

  12. 那一晚,我决定和雷好好聊聊。

    That night I decided to really taik to ray .

  13. 那一晚大队快要出发。

    That night , in the last minutes before departure .

  14. 你让我那一晚幸免于难。

    You saved my night from being a total disaster .

  15. 记得你最后来的那一晚吗?

    Do you remember that last night you were here ?

  16. 那一晚帕朗柏无法入睡,心中一直想着那位先生。

    Plumb couldn 't sleep that night , thinking about that man .

  17. 在伦敦的那一晚,我们大吵了一架。

    We had a fight , the night I was in london .

  18. 居民说他们在比利被杀的那一晚听到了枪声。

    Residents claim they heard gunshots on the night Billy was murdered .

  19. 那一晚是我第一次真正“赛车”。

    That night was the first night I really " raced " .

  20. 弗兰克死的那一晚你去哪儿了

    Where were you on the night that Frank died ?

  21. 她那天晚上没有回来,之后的那一晚也没有回来。

    She did not return that night , nor the night after that .

  22. 那一晚他干了件疯狂的事。

    He did the craziest thing the other night .

  23. 推向了路中央的那一晚他被车撞了

    scraped off the road the night he was hit by a car .

  24. 要不要放你那一晚?

    Hell , how about you hold on to it for a night ?

  25. 那一晚,比赛改变了一切。

    That we loved , and that night , that game changed everything .

  26. 但那一晚他们卸下面具扮演自己

    But that night , Samantha and Jerry got off on playing themselves .

  27. 那一晚,我跟大人物约会。

    That nlght I had my date wlth blg .

  28. 我想起里奇奥被杀的那一晚。

    I remembered the night when Riccio died .

  29. 我们独自度过了那一晚。

    We spent that night on our own .

  30. 那一晚我跪下祷告,神就对我说话了。

    So I laid down to pray that night and God spoke to me .