
  • 网络That night;That one day
  1. 我们可能永远不会知道那一夜发生了什么事。

    We may never discover what took place that night .

  2. 那一夜我无法入睡,我太激动了。

    I wasn 't able to sleep that night , I was so keyed up .

  3. 那一夜的结果就是:政府持有苏格兰皇家银行58%的股份,并可能不久会拥有合并后的劳埃德TSB银行(LloydsTSB)与苏格兰哈里法克斯银行(HBOS)40%的股份。

    As a result of that night , the government holds a 58 per cent stake in RBS and could soon hold a 40 per cent stake in a merged Lloyds TSB and HBOS .

  4. “我想嫁给他,所以我就答应了,当然在我们俩在那一夜私定终身之后就没有人能把我们分开了。”Rifca解释说。

    " I wanted to marry him , so I agreed , and of course after we had spent the night together then there was no way anyone could separate us ," Rifca explains .

  5. 多么美好的夜晚,那一夜,我是孩子王。

    What a beautiful night when I became a baby king .

  6. 从那一夜,我永远失去了我的父亲!

    And from that night , I lost my father forever !

  7. 那一夜我们品着咖啡说着话一直聊到半夜。

    We stayed up half the night drinking coffee and talking .

  8. 不,我不是具体的指那一夜。

    No , I didn 't mean that night in particular .

  9. 那一夜我们过得很快乐。

    Happiness came over me and we had a wonderful evening .

  10. 那个女乘客和她的两个小女婴是这么度过那一夜的?

    How did the woman and her baby daughters spend the night ?

  11. 那一夜那张桌子就成了我们两个人的床铺。

    That night the table answered for a bed for us both .

  12. 你招供说那一夜你曾行窃。

    That you had committed a robbery on that night .

  13. 那一夜该区没有人报失窃。

    No robberies were reported in that area that night .

  14. 好象那一夜夺走了一切

    Like , somehow this night took things away from me

  15. 那一夜,我的妻子一下子醒了并意识到她已停止呼吸。

    That night , my wife awoke and realized she had stopped breathing .

  16. 从那一夜开始算来已经有六个月了。

    It 's been six months since that night .

  17. 那一夜,擦干泪水开始坚强。

    That night , wiped away tears started strong .

  18. 我还记得你在市政厅演出的那一夜晚。

    I still memorize that night of the performance in municipal administration hall .

  19. 那一夜,它的确令我们心醉神迷。

    And that night it really weaves a spell .

  20. 你妹那一夜放我鸽子。

    Your sister stood me up the other night .

  21. 那一夜,我梦见我们都是不相识的。

    That night I dreamt that we were strangers .

  22. 那一夜母女两人厮守着挨了过去。

    The mother and daughter passed the night together .

  23. 既然你已提起没错,那一夜有结冰。

    But now you mention it , there was ice there that night .

  24. 他有无懈可击的证据证明那一夜他不在犯罪现场。

    He had an airtight alibi for that night .

  25. 那一夜,你没有拒绝我!

    That night , you did not refuse me .

  26. 那一夜一定很有趣。

    Liz : Must have been an interesting night .

  27. 我记得那一夜和那首田纳西华尔滋。

    I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz .

  28. 那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。

    So he lay with her that night .

  29. 那一夜他四处漫游。

    He rove hither and thither that night .

  30. 她那一夜便没有睡好。

    That night , she did not sleep .