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  1. thermopylae?可是那离斯巴达很远。

    Thermopylae ? . but that 's so far away from sparta .

  2. 宝贝那离你妈妈家很近

    Baby , that 's right near your mama 's house ,

  3. 不过我认为那离我们还很远,不是吗?

    You would feel better if you had something in it .

  4. 那离伦敦东方几公里。

    It 's a few kilometres to the east of london .

  5. 噢,那离这儿不远!

    Oh , that 's not too far from here !

  6. 那离他们找的地方有一英里地啊。

    That 's a mile away from wherethey 're looking .

  7. 阿美:哇,那离这里很远呢。

    May : Wow , it is quite far away from here .

  8. 那里她在那离这儿有300英里

    There . She 's there . That 's 300 miles away .

  9. 那离这里不远看这个伊泽贝尔

    That 's not far from here.Well , watch this.Isobel .

  10. 阿美:好啊。那离我们家很近的。

    May : Right ah , It is so close to our home .

  11. 那离你家可真远。

    That 's a long way from home .

  12. 摆脱那离我们越来越近的恶魔。

    From the evii that grows ever nearer .

  13. 因为那离人们要如何生活,与应如何生活太遥远。

    For it is far from how one lives to how one should live .

  14. 那离我们家有10里路。

    That 's ten miles from our house .

  15. 那离得并不远。

    And that 's not that far away .

  16. 那离这里可远啦。

    That 's quite far from here .

  17. 那离学校很近他们很喜欢那所学校

    Yeah . But it was close to their school which they loved , so ...

  18. 那离光明,离上帝最远的那部分。

    Is the part of her that 's farthest from the light , from god 's love .

  19. 婚前的首期是你交的钱,那离后还是你的钱。

    Before marriage head period it is the money that you make , your money still is after that leaves .

  20. 阿美:哇,那离这里很远呢。恐怕你得乘公交713路才能到。

    May : Wow , it is quite far away from here . I 'm afraid you 're gonna have to take Bus No713 .

  21. 还有一件事,就是体育俱乐部,如果你想报名的话,那离这里只有两分钟的路程。

    The other thing to sign up for , if you want to , is the sports club , just two minutes from here .

  22. 他的父母或是弟兄姐妹死了的时候,他不可因他们使自己不洁净,因为那离俗归神的凭据是在他头上。

    Even if his own father or mother or brother or sister dies , he must not make himself ceremonially unclean on account of them , because the symbol of his separation to God is on his head .

  23. 那你离mokotow远点,明白吗?

    And you stay away from mokotow , understand ?

  24. 她认为那是离巴黎很远的地方。

    She thought that it had been very far from Paris .

  25. 那现场离完美还是差一点点的。

    This scene is going to be slightly less than perfect .

  26. 你知道的那点儿离道还远呢!

    What you know now is far from the real Tao .

  27. 海岸那一带离我们太远了。

    That area of the coastline is beyond our reach .

  28. 对,那是离太阳最远的行星。

    Yes , and that planet is the furthest from the Sun .

  29. 那村庄离这里至多两公里。

    The village is two kilometres from here at farthest .

  30. 你知道那地方离这儿有多远吗?

    Any idea how far it is from here ?