
  • 网络Two people of the world;That World and Mine
  1. 两个人的世界,一个人扛;

    Two people of the world , a person carries ;

  2. 上帝在造人的时候,只造了亚当和夏娃,大概两个人的世界里根本容不下第三者。

    God made man in the time , made the only Adam and Eve , about two people in the world is not brook third party .

  3. 已经是凌晨两点了,我把女友送回到她的寓所,这是两个人的世界,我们相处得很好。

    That was two o'clock in the morning , and I get my date back to her apartment , and the two of us are alone , and we 're going pretty good .

  4. 我们要彼此相爱在我们的整个生命,携手走进美好的未来共同为我们两个人的不关心世界!

    We would love each other within our whole life , and hand-in-hand walk into the bright future together for two of us by does not care the world !