
  1. 唐山市方言两字组连读变调

    Connecting Changed Tone of Two Words in Tangshan City Dialect

  2. 三声调方言康乐话的两字组连读变调

    Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Kangle Dialect as a Three-Tones Dialect , Gansu Province

  3. 声调与元音对汉语非轻声两字组凸显感知的交互作用

    Tone-Vowel Interaction in Prominence Perception of Non-Neutral Tone Disyllabic Words in Mandarin Chinese

  4. 甘肃靖远方言两字组变调

    The Modified Tone of Two-word Group in Jingyuan Dialect

  5. 并通过对双音节词声调的分析得出西峰区方言的两字组连续变调的规律。

    And through the analysis of two-syllable words tone words , we got sandhi rule of Xifeng dialect .

  6. 其它情况下的两字组连调则与语音环境和语法结构有关。

    Tone sandhi of the disyllables in other conditions is relevant to the phonetic environment and the grammatical structure .

  7. 最后将新派海门话与新派上海话、常州话的两字组连调作比,寻找三者之间的亲疏关系。

    At last it compares the dialects of Haimen with Shanghai and Changzhou to discover the relations between them .

  8. 两字组中韩国学生的错误较单字调明显增多。

    The amount of errors the Korean students made in the word group increased significantly than the single syllable .

  9. 本文描写了康乐方言两字组连读变调情况,讨论了变调的规律和轻声的性质。

    Kangle dialect is a three-tones dialect , this paper describes its disyllabic tone sandhi , and discusses its sandhi rules and neutral tones'nature .

  10. 韩国学生两字组声调的分析:这部分旨在进一步观察韩国学生在发两字组时习得汉语声调的情况。

    Disyllabic Tone Acquisition : This section is intended to further observe the situation of the Korean students learned Chinese tones of the disyllabic word .

  11. 调位中和与读音轻化是山西方言重轻式两字组轻声演变的两种主要方式,有五种不同的类型。

    Neutralized and light-shorted tones are the two main changes of the " stressed-unstressed " bi-syllabic tone sandhi in Shanxi province , which has five patterns .

  12. 本文运用认知语言学的概念整合理论对汉语述宾两字组的整合度高低及其层级分布加以探讨。

    Based on the theory of conceptual blending in cognitive linguistics , this paper analyses the blending degree of predicate-object two-character structure and its level distribution .

  13. 最后预测,今后两字组连读变调的发展与变化将会影响其他字组连读变调的发展与变化。

    At last writer predicts that the tone sandhi of disyllabic compounding patters will influence the development and change of the tone sandhi on other compounding patters in future .

  14. 描述了海安方言连续变调中的“变上”现象,重点是两字组词的后字变读。

    A brief description of the tone sandhi ( tone mutation ) for disyllable words in Hat an dialect is offered with discussions made on that of trisyllable structures .

  15. 本文讨论万荣方言两字组连读变调和轻声,兼谈山西方言重轻式两字组轻声调值的类型。

    The paper discusses bi-syllabic tone sandhi and neutral tone of Wanrong dialect in Shanxi province , and introduces the patterns of " stressed-unstressed " bi-syllabic tone sandhi of Shanxi dialects .

  16. 在多字连读变调部分,介绍常变调字和连读音节的划分,通过分析多字连读变调实例得出结论:多字连读变调是常变调字、两字组和三字组变调结果的组合。

    In the part of multi-syllable tone sandhi , the author introduces the ordinary tone sandhi and the division of different syllables and comes to the conclusion that the multi-syllable tone sandhi is the result of the one-syllable , two-syllable , and three-syllable tone sandhi .

  17. 两字组的分析和描写主要涉及两字组连调的调式、连调规律、连调模式、异调同读、阴平字探讨等方面。

    The analysis and description on the disyllabic compounding patters mainly involve in the several aspects , such as the tone forms , rule of tone sandhi , mode of the sandhi , same sound from the different tone , high and leve tone and so on .