
  1. 雷法,形成于两宋之际,是道教传统的符箓派在新的历史条件下,将原有的符咒之术与内丹功夫相结合,而推出的一种新型的道法。

    Formed in the Song Dynasty , the Thunder rites is a new type magic arts integrating the Taoism charm and the interior elixirs ( neidan ), under the new historical circumstance .

  2. 刘氏在闽北文化教育和理学发展进程中,以及在两宋之际爱国思想史上,均具有极为重要的地位和广泛的影响。五夫里刘氏一族自奉为西汉楚元王刘交之后。

    It holds an extreme important position and an extensive influence in the course of cultural education and idealist philosophy in north Fujian as well as in the patriotic history from North Song Dynasty to the joint of two Song dynasties .

  3. 我国唐代中期以后、两宋年间及明清之际由于各方面的原因出现了钱(银)荒,各朝对钱(银)荒均进行了一定的治理。

    Because of a lot of reasons , the shortage of money ( silver ) appeared in the Tang-Song Dynasty and the Ming-Qing Dynasty , each dynasty had been curried out a lot of measure to the shortage of money ( silver ) .