
  • 网络environments
  1. 除了在C中创建Scheme变量外,还可以取消引用Scheme变量,在两个环境之间转换值。

    In addition to creating Scheme variables in C , you can also dereference Scheme variables and convert values between the two environments .

  2. Guile试图跨越两个环境之间的界线,将Scheme的威力扩展到C。

    Guile attempts to straddle the line between the two environments and extend to C the power of Scheme .

  3. 最后,讨论如何结合关系数据和XML数据,从而同时获得这两个环境的优势。

    Finally , it shows you how to marry the relational data with the XML data to get best of both the worlds .

  4. 项目成功保存后,主LifecycleManagerUI现在应该显示两个环境都可用。

    With the project saved successfully , the main Lifecycle Manager UI should now show that both environments are available .

  5. 目标模型的行为和BI报表规范在这两个环境中,功能上是相同的。

    The behaviour of the target model and BI report specifications will be functionally equivalent in both environments .

  6. 从这两个环境之间迁移测试数据的能力,对于用户来说十分重要,它帮助您利用RationalQualityManager工具中的特性,以有利于您的开发过程。

    The ability to migrate test data from these two environments is an important aspect for users , helping you leverage features in the Quality Manager tool that can benefit your development process .

  7. 两个环境(源和目标)的IBMCognosConfiguration中的“Deploymentfileslocation”环境属性被修改为共享位置。

    The " Deployment files location " of Environment properties in IBM Cognos Configuration of both the environments ( source and target ) is modified to a shared location .

  8. 这两个环境之间的差异是,这个环境将每个以太网适配器的中断处理绑定到适配器所在的节点上的一个CPU。

    The difference in environments is that this one had the interrupt processing for each Ethernet adapter bound to a CPU on the node in which the adapter resides .

  9. 身处校园和网络两个环境之中,大学生DV形成了独特的品格。

    The DV of students forms its own style since it is in the environment of campus and networks .

  10. 如果John向第二个基本节点或部署管理器单元提交作业,作业将失败,因为他的安全令牌在这两个环境中未获授权。

    If John were to submit a job against the second base node or the deployment manager cell , the job will fail because his security token is not authorized in these two environments .

  11. 在所有两个环境中都可检测到的株高QTLs位于1A和4B染色体。

    Four QTLs affecting plant height were identified , among which on chromosomes 1A and 4B were detected in all the two environments .

  12. 我们为其因特网服务供应商提供的综合性解决方案既需要UNIX系统,也需要NT系统,而我们可以管理和支持这两个环境。这是该项目取得成功的关键。

    The comprehensive solution we implemented for its Internet Service Provider required both UNIX and NT systems , and our ability to manage and support both environments the success of the project .

  13. TWINSPAN将荆条群落划分为13个群丛,分类矩阵图明显反映出坡向和土壤湿度两个环境梯度。

    The results of TWINSPAN indicated that the communities were classified into 13 associations , and the classification matrix indicated two environmental gradients , light intensity and soil humidity .

  14. 结果如下:用TWINSPAN进行的数量分类,共划分出12个群落类型,分类矩阵图明显反映出演替时间与土壤含水量两个环境梯度。

    CCA , DCCA . The results are as following : plant communities are classified into 12 types by TWINSPAN , and they reflect changes of two environmental gradients , time of succession and water conditions of soil .

  15. 表4显示两个环境配置文件的属性。

    Table 4 shows the properties for the two environment profiles .

  16. 我们可以充分发挥在这两个环境中的优势。

    We are able to leverage strengths across these two environments .

  17. 我们也需要创建两个环境配置文件来部署模式。

    We will also create two environment profiles for deploying patterns .

  18. 只要进行一些调整,应用就可以在这两个环境之间移植。

    Applications can be ported between the two environments with some changes .

  19. 你认为我们今日面临最紧迫的两个环境问题是什么?

    What do you believe are the two most pressing environmental problems we face today ?

  20. 主要在以下两个环境下会发生。

    It happens mainly under two conditions .

  21. 现在,在执行这个脚本时,这两个环境变量会保持不变。

    Now when the sudo script is executed , the above environment variables are preserved .

  22. 塞姆基博士:我们认为最严重的两个环境问题是森林砍伐和全球变暖。

    Walter Semkiw : Two environmental issues that we find most pressing are deforesting and global warming .

  23. 对中学生来说,最重要的两个环境便是家庭和学校。

    To the junior middle school students , the most two important factors are family and school .

  24. 隧道对千佛山景区和熊猫栖息地两个环境敏感区影响小。

    Thousand Buddha Mountain tunnel on the panda habitat area and environmentally sensitive areas of the two small .

  25. 讨论认为这是由于农药及工业性大气污染两个环境因子的综合作用所致。

    The discussion indicates that it was a result of the synthesis effect of pesticide and industrial air pollution .

  26. 在这种情况下,维护两个环境会有额外的开销,而且要确保它们保持同步。

    In this case there is an overhead of maintaining two environments and ensuring that they remain in sync .

  27. 水污染和水短缺是中国现在面临的最重要的两个环境问题。

    ( 1 ) Water pollution and water shortage are two of the most important environmental problems in China .

  28. 您需要创建两个环境配置文件,使用该文件将模式部署到云组中。

    You need to create two environment profiles , which you will use to deploy patterns to the cloud groups .

  29. 这两个环境因素的改变必然会对地球上最重要的初级生产者藻类产生影响。

    And the change of these two environment factors will inevitably affect the algae which is the most important primary producer .

  30. 第五部分从常态和危机公关两个环境进行分析,对政府公共关系使用社会化媒体提出建议。

    Part V of the paper analysis the normal and crisis two environmental , make recommendations to the Government Public Relations social media .