
  • 网络slough
  1. 与其它智能手机生产商不同,RIM运行自己的数据网络,借助三个网络运行中心处理它的无线电子邮件系统:一个位于英国伦敦附近的斯劳,另外两个位于加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢。

    Unlike other smartphone makers , RIM operates its own data network including three network operations centres for its wireless email system : the one in Slough and two in Waterloo , Ontario .

  2. 开往伦敦的车辆现绕道经过斯劳。

    London-bound traffic is being diverted via Slough .

  3. 斯劳人决定留下希尔顿,霍华德于是取消了这个协会。

    Slough decided they wanted to keep Mr Hilton anyway - and Mr Howard then suspended the association .

  4. 英国斯劳火车站安装了一台出售瓶装夏日芬芳空气的贩卖机,意在唤起通勤者的假日记忆。

    A vending machine stocked with bottles of summer scented air was assembled at Slough train station to help evoke holiday memories among commuters .

  5. 根据吉尼斯世界纪录显示,一位长有6英寸长胡子的模特,成为了世界上最年轻的长胡子的女性。今年24岁的哈纳姆·卡吾尔来自英国伯克郡斯劳,她表示对自己进入吉尼斯纪录感到“诚惶诚恐”。

    A model with six-inch long facial hair has become the youngest woman in the world to have a full beard , according to the Guinness World Records . Harnaam Kaur , 24 , from Slough , Berkshire , said it was " humbling " to be included .