
  • 网络Staley;Jes Staley;Westley
  1. 相比之下,当巴克莱(Barclays)首席执行官杰斯?斯特利(JesStaley)命令员工追查是谁寄出了两封批评一位新聘员工的信件时,他们没有积极执行他的命令。

    By contrast , when Jes Staley , Barclays " chief executive , ordered staff to find out who had sent two uncomplimentary letters about a newly hired employee , they did not run off to do his bidding .

  2. 斯特利一家现在依然是我生活中一个重要部分。

    The Staley 's are still a good part of my life .

  3. 如今看来,斯特利已出局。

    Now it appears Staley is out of the running .

  4. 斯特利现在正在接受美国和英国监管机构的调查。

    Mr Staley is now under investigation by regulators in the UK and US .

  5. 可以说,喜剧是社会用微笑保护自己。&普利斯特利

    Comedy , we may say , is society protecting itself-with a simile . & J. B. Priestley

  6. 巴克莱合规部门此前已把这些信件列为举报,并告诉斯特利,追查写信者的任何企图都是受到禁止的。

    Barclays " compliance department had classified the letters as whistleblowing and told Mr Staley that any attempt to track down the writer was not allowed .

  7. 当斯特利第二次试图追查写信者,还请来美国的一个执法部门时,该公司内部人士把他告上了董事会。

    When Mr Staley tried a second time to find the letter writer , enlisting a US law enforcement agency , someone inside the company reported him to the board .