
  • 网络dalton;Kristen Dalton
  1. 巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。

    Bud turned the truck around , and started back for Dalton Pond

  2. 现在敌军已经从多尔顿前进了55英里。

    And the enemy had now advanced fifty-five miles from dalton .

  3. (使)调转方向;(使)转向巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。

    Bud turned the truck around , and started back for Dalton Pond .

  4. 而且,从北方佬离开多尔顿南下以来,才过了四个月!

    And it was only four months since the Yankees moved south from dalton !

  5. 我的纸是在马萨诸塞州多尔顿一家戒备森严的工厂里制造的。

    My paper is made in a closely guarded mill in Dalton , Massachusetts .

  6. 小学毕业后我去了多尔顿学府,也在海牙。

    After primary school I went to the Dalton Lyceum , also in The Hague .

  7. 当多尔顿-麦克基尔希于2003年被选为安大略省长时,他接受了“全盘改革”。

    When Dalton McGuinty was elected Ontario 's premier in2003 , he embraced " whole-system reform " .

  8. 约翰斯顿的确像一堵铜墙铁壁屹立在多尔顿以北一百英里的山区。

    Johnston did stand like an iron rampart in the mountains above Dalton , one hundred miles away .

  9. 没有迹象表明私立学校的迅速发展会使多尔顿学校停止其春季巡回招生工作,因为那些对2001-2002学年感兴趣的学校早已报满了。

    There 's no sign of the private-school boom letting up . Dalton 's spring tours , for early birds interested in the2001-2002 school year , are filled .

  10. 克伦茨是曼哈顿多尔顿学校的招生办主任。

    Her wake-up call came when a man called the Dalton School in Manhattan , where Krents is admissions director , and inquired about the age cutoff for their kindergarten program .