
  • 网络polyphonic folk song;Multi Part Folk Song
  1. 湖南靖县多声部民歌音乐研究

    On the Ballad Music with Multi-voice Part of Hunan Jing County

  2. 它所独具的色彩,已成为中国多声部民歌的最鲜明的特征。

    It is the most obviously unique characteristic of Chinese multiple-voice folksongs .

  3. 我国多声部民歌的现状

    Status Quo of the Poly-Voice-Part Folk Songs in our Country

  4. 中国多声部民歌概述

    Outline of the Chinese Multipart Folk Song

  5. 对地方多声部民歌开展研究,无论是对音乐理论研究、音乐创作,还是对音乐表演和音乐教育,都有着重要的意义。

    Studying counterpoint local folk music will prove significant to music theory , composition , performance and music education .

  6. 我国各民族存在着大量的多声部民歌,但这些宝贵的民族遗产现在大多面临着彻底消亡的危险。

    A large number of poly-voice-part songs exist in our country , but these precious national bequests now face the danger of extinction .

  7. 本文概述了中国多声部民歌的历史、分布、题材内容与音乐形式特征。

    This paper offers an introduction to the history , distribution , theme , content and musical features of the Chinese multipart folk song .

  8. 摘要广西那坡县黑衣壮特有的多声部民歌“虽敏”的音乐风格深沉、古朴,极具个性。

    Multi-tone folk song " suimin ", peculiarly sung by the dark cloth Zhuang in nape county , guangxi , is of profound musical style , primitive simplicity , and strong individuality .

  9. 的确是这样,因为羌族多声部民歌是一种非常古老的民歌,而羌族只有语言没有文字。

    It is true as the Qiang people 's multi-part folk songs are very old and the Qiang people don 't have their written language though they do have their own language .