
  • 网络multispectral photometry;multi-colour photometry;multi color photometry;heterochromatic photometry;multicolour photometry
  1. 尤其是近年Clementine飞船作了几乎整个月球表面的多色测光,得到高分辨月球多色图像。

    Especially in recent years , spacecraft Clementine made multispectral photometry of almost the whole lunar surface and obtained lunar multispectral images with high resolution .

  2. 月球多色测光的最新研究进展

    A Review on the Multispectral Photometry and Relevant Researches of the Moon

  3. 滤光片变质对CCD多色测光影响的探讨

    Investigation of the influence of the filters degeneration on bv CCD photometry

  4. 激变变星的辐射模型和多色测光的对比研究

    A Radiation Model for Multi-color Photometry of Cataclysmic Variables