
  • 网络Multimedia University;MMU;MultimediaUniversity
  1. 多媒体大学化学远程教学的研究

    Research on Multimedia Remote Teaching for University Chemistry

  2. 建构主义理论视角下的多媒体大学英语视听说教学

    Viewing , Listening and Speaking Teaching Assisted by the Network Interactive Mode of the Multimedia Computer from the Perspective of Constructivism Theory

  3. 基于局域网的多媒体大学英语教学模式目前国内高校中使用的还不是很普遍。

    College English teaching in a local-area network ( LAN ) environment is one of being-explored teaching modes in universities across the country in recent years .

  4. 论文首先对混合学习的多种定义进行了梳理并剖析出当前网络环境下混合学习应具备的特征,接着叙述了国内外的相关研究,然后对当前的多媒体大学英语教学模式与混合学习进行了对比。

    This thesis begins with all kinds of its definitions of blended learning and then analyzes the characters of blended learning under the environment of the internet and presents related study and multimedia college English teaching .

  5. 文章介绍了网络环境下多媒体大学英语教学的概念、教学系统的基本结构和新的教学模式。

    The paper introduces some concepts of College English Teaching with the aid of Multimedia and network course , the basic structure of the teaching and learning system , and the new teaching and learning mode .

  6. 本文探讨了在中国EFL环境下基于多媒体学习大学英语课程的教学项目对非英语专业学生在学习动机、学习自主性、学习策略和交互合作式学习四个方面的影响。

    This thesis investigates the effects of a multimedia-based " College English " course teaching program on the development of college students ' motivation , learner autonomy , learning strategies and interactive and cooperative learning in a Chinese context .

  7. 运用多媒体对大学英语教学模式改革初探

    Research on Reforming College English Teaching Method by Using Multimedia Teaching

  8. 基于多媒体的大学英语交互协作式教学模式

    On interaction teaching model of college English based on multimedia

  9. 浅谈多媒体在大学英语大班教学中的应用

    Application of Multimedia in College English Teaching of Large Classes

  10. 浅谈运用计算机多媒体辅助大学英语课堂教学

    English Teaching in Classroom Assisted by Computer - centered Multimedia

  11. 计算机多媒体辅助大学英语听力教学的探索

    Using Multimedia Computer to Assist College English Listening Teaching

  12. 简论多媒体在大学人文教学方面的恰当运用

    A Brief Discussion on the Proper Use of Multimedia in College Humanities Teaching

  13. 多媒体与大学英语专业教学结合研究

    The Study of the Combination of Multi-media and English Major Teaching in Universities

  14. 多媒体辅助大学英语写作和精读应用探研

    Multimedia-aided instruction of college English writing and intensive reading & theory and application

  15. 基于网络和多媒体的大学外语自主听力教学模式初探

    A Probe into the Model of Autonomous Listening

  16. 采用多媒体讲授大学英语的尝试

    Practice on Teaching College English by Multi-media

  17. 网络多媒体为大学英语阅读教学提供了重要的方法和手段。

    Network-based Multimedia provide important ways and means for college English reading teaching and learning .

  18. 本文阐述了多媒体辅助大学英语教学的众多优势,以期对外语现代化教学起到进一步的推动作用。

    This paper presents various advantages of multimedia in college English teaching to further modern English teaching .

  19. 本文对为期两年的多媒体辅助大学英语教学与传统的课堂英语教学对比实验作了详细的对比分析。

    This paper makes a detailed analysis of the two years ' experiment carried out between multimedia-assisted college English teaching and traditional classroom teaching .

  20. 通过问卷调查和成绩分析,说明在建构主义指导下的多媒体网络大学英语教学有利于培养学生的英语能力。

    By a questionnaire and examination results survey , it shows that web-based college English teaching based upon constructivism theory will improve the English ability of students .

  21. 运用多媒体进行大学英语教学能提高教学质量,增强学生的学习兴趣,但它作为先进的现代技术只是一种工具。

    Using multimedia in college English teaching can improve teaching quality , strengthen students'interest in English studying , but as an advanced modern technology it is only a tool .

  22. 本文结合实际参考了多种文献,阐述了怎样运用多媒体优化大学物理实验教学,促进教学改革,提高教学质量。

    This paper is concerned with how to optimize college physical experimental teaching by using multimedia in order to improve teaching reform and quality with the combination of various references .

  23. 就多媒体在大学英语教学中的应用,从课外知识背景的教学、词汇教学、课文教学、课文后的巩固练习教学等方面的进行了介绍。

    The paper introduces the application of multi - medium in the college English teaching from the teaching of extracurricular knowledge background , vocabulary teaching and exercise teaching after class .

  24. 本文通过对多媒体在大学英语互动教学中意义的分析,总结出如何在英语教学中有效的利用多媒体。

    This article begins with the analysis of the significance of multimedia in the interactive teaching of college English , then it concludes how to use multimedia effectively in English teaching .

  25. 结合教学实践,阐述多媒体在大学英语课堂教学中的具体应用,并将其教学效果予以归纳总结,以期为大学英语课堂教学提供一些有益的启示。

    Based on several years of teaching practice , this paper expounds the application of multimedia in college English class teaching , and summarizes its teaching effects in the hope of providing some available revelation .

  26. 本文就多媒体辅助大学英语教学的理论探索,多媒体语言教室环境下的网络交互式教学模式,多媒体网络技术在大学英语教学中的应用等进行了初步探讨。

    This paper made a tentative analysis on the theoretical exploration of multimedia computer assisted college English teaching , network interactive teaching mode used in multimedia language teaching , the application of multimedia and network technology into College English Course etc.

  27. 通过对大学英语教学现状的初步分析,论述了多媒体在大学英语教学中的作用,并就如何合理利用多媒体进行英语教学作了初步的探索。

    This paper discusses briefly the role that multimedia plays in college English teaching and learning by analyzing current college English teaching situation ; it also probes into the problem of how to use multimedia to carry out English teaching .

  28. 笔者进行了为期一学期的多媒体辅助大学英语写作的教学实验,把多媒体自身的特点与写作教学相结合,设计了以篇章结构为教学重点的英语写作课程。

    The writer carried on the teaching experiment of the 1-semester of multi-media assistance university English writing , combining together the characteristics and the writing teachings of the multi-media oneself , design with the literary piece structure for the teaching point of English write the course .

  29. 多媒体技术在大学外语辅助教学CAI中的应用

    The Application of Multimedia Technology in College English CAI System

  30. 基于多媒体网络的大学物理研究性学习探讨

    Approach to inquiry learning of college Physics based on multimedia network