
duō yuán huà
  • pluralise;become pluralistic
  • pluralistic
  1. 我们的目标是建立一个自由、开放和多元化的社会。

    Our objective is a free , open and pluralistic society .

  2. 世界日益多元化。

    The world is becoming more pluralistic .

  3. 随着外来移民的到来,这里的文化变得多元化了。

    The culture has been diversified with the arrival of immigrants .

  4. 这些公司因缺乏多元化市场而遭受惨痛的教训。

    These firms have been given a tough lesson in the need to diversify their markets .

  5. 在高等数学界,多元化是个问题,这已不是什么秘密。

    It 's no secret in the advanced-math community that diversity is a problem .

  6. 但是,这种由来自中产阶级和富裕家庭的亚裔和白人学生主导的竞赛,会变得更加多元化吗?

    But will such contests , which are overwhelmingly dominated by Asian and white students from middle-class and affluent families , become any more diverse ?

  7. 在许多诸如丹佛这样的城市,一种被吸引到市区的多元化、有活力的经济为居民提供了稳定的工作机会。

    In many of these cities such as Denver , a diverse and vigorous economy attracted to the urban core has offered stable employment for residents .

  8. 它也将向大学展示我们学生的多元化。

    It will also show colleges we are diverse students .

  9. WTO与中国企业对外投资的多元化战略

    WTO & the Pluralistic Strategy of the Overseas Investment of Chinese Enterprises

  10. 对多元化的自豪之情已经为英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)反移民的民粹主义让路。

    Pride in diversity has made way for the rise of the anti-immigrant populism of the UK Independence party .

  11. Internet的飞速发展和信息家电以及后PC时代概念的提出,使得信息终端的多元化已经成为不可抵挡的趋势。

    With the bursting of Internet and the new concepts of information consumer electronics and post-pc era , the diversifying of information terminals has become inevitable .

  12. 这种多元化、多层次的受众需求与媒介提供的多种可能结合在一起,形成一种类似蜂房结构的多种小众化传播构成的结合体,就是我们这里所说的Group。

    This media diversity , matching the increasingly diversified and multi-layered audience needs , generates a new communication model , based on niche communication network that takes a cellular structure , which we referred as " Group " .

  13. 如果您想看到着力实现这一结果的工作,请查看RubyonRails中用于处理复数模型类名的多元化代码。

    If you want to see elaborate efforts to achieve this result , check out the pluralization code in Ruby on Rails for handling pluralizing model class names .

  14. 通过SWOT分析,论文对企业外部的机遇与威胁和企业内部的优劣势作了评价,确定了企业的经营战略选择&多元化战略。

    The thesis also analyzes the external threats and opportunities , internal strength and weakness of the company by SWOT analysis , and gets a conclusion that the company should select the related diversification strategy .

  15. 此外,要加强国际合作,实现天然气进口多元化,做到PNG与LNG进口的合理布局、匹配。

    Furthermore , the plan of importing LNG and PNG will be reasonable and fit each other in many ways to import more gas in concerted efforts by cooperation with other countries .

  16. 电动汽车(EV)是实现汽车能源多元化与零排放节能环保汽车的理想选择,但由于车用动力电池性能发展水平的制约,纯电动汽车的发展与应用受到了有识之士的质疑。

    Electric vehicle ( EV ) can realize the localization of energy source and it is the ultimate choice of zero-discharge , energy-saving , and environment-friendly automobile . However , the behavior of the power cell restricts the application and development of electric vehicle .

  17. 从BPR的概念及涵义入手,分析了当代高校图书馆具有文献资源结构的多元化,服务模式和手段的多样性,服务内容多层次化的时代特性;

    Starting with the concept and implication of the BPR , this paper has analyzed the characteristics of contemporary academic library , i. e. the diverse structure of bibliographic resources , the multiform modes and methods of service , multiple contents of information service ;

  18. 2l世纪,伴随人口转变过程的不断深化,中国人口转变问题将趋于多元化和复杂化,这既为中国人口发展提出挑战,也必将进一步丰富中国人口转变理论与实践。

    In the 21st century , with the deepening course of population transformation , the population transformation getting more pluralist and complicated will be a great challenge of population development in China and will enrich the theory and practice of population transformation in China .

  19. 美林全球多元化及包容主管、最新研究的关键合作伙伴之一苏巴巴里(subhabarry)表示,美林从之前的研究中了解到,经济下滑期间女性和少数族裔离开或被挖走的几率高得不成比例。

    Subha Barry , head of global diversity and inclusion at Merrill Lynch and one of the key partners in the latest study , says the bank knew from previous research that women and minorities were disproportionately likely to leave or be poached in a downturn .

  20. 旅游基础设施的市场特征决定了其投资模式多元化;

    Thetraveling infrastructure 's market characteristic decides its investment pattern multiplication .

  21. 南建集团;多元化;战略;核心竞争力;

    Nanjian Conglomerate ; diversification ; strategy ; core competitive power ;

  22. 高校图书馆办公室多元化角色定位问题剖析

    Discussion and Analysis of Multiple Role Orientation for College Library Office

  23. 市场经济与大学经费来源的多元化

    On Diversification of Funds for Universities and Colleges in Market-oriented Economy

  24. 股东类型的多元化、法人化;

    Shareholder type multiplication and include more and more organizational investors ;

  25. 体现我国现代水彩画多元化发展的新兴面貌。

    Manifests our country modern watercolor painting multiplication development the emerging appearance .

  26. 我国应当建立多元化的离婚救济制度。

    China should set up a wide range of divorce relief system .

  27. 首先,它能满足消费者多元化的消费需求。

    First , it can meet consumer diversified consumer demand .

  28. 山地住区形态多元化设计初探

    The First Exploration of the Planning for Pluralistic Form of Mountain Community

  29. 另一方面更深刻地说明世界文化的多元化格局正在被解构,单调、乏味的文化一元论模式已初具规模。

    A simple and superficial single-culture model is formed generally .

  30. 高职高专工程院校毕业设计多元化教学模式的研究与实践

    Vocational Engineering Colleges : Various Teaching Models of Graduation Design