
  • 网络Tama;Domo
  1. 日本多摩都1000系单轨交通电动车组电传动系统

    Electric Driving System of EMU of 1000 Series Intercity Monorail in Tama of Japan

  2. 可爱的多摩佩戴上官帽和站长徽章,不久就成了家喻户晓的“名猫”。

    The adorable Tama , with his official hat and station master badge , soon became a nationwide celebrity .

  3. Ilgiornale网站发出了疑问:“埃菲尔铁塔真的值那么多钱吗?尤其是,我们可以确定埃菲尔铁塔的价值比斗兽场和多摩大教堂加起来还要大吗?

    Il giornale website asked : " Is the Eiffel Tower really worth that much ? And above all , are we sure it 's worth more than the Colusseum and Duomo combined ?

  4. 多摩大教堂,米兰:650亿英镑

    The Duomo Cathedral , Milan : 65 billion pounds

  5. 既然我们不想把全部的力量展现在多摩那个懦夫面前,我们将占据不被防卫的部分,大部分聚集到第八区。

    As we did not wish to reveal ourselves fully to the coward Domo , we held to the unguarded regions , mostly around the eighth position .

  6. 本文介绍日本多摩新城第15住区的开发思路、设计组织模式和设计理念。该住区的实例对中国当前的住宅开发具有参考价值。

    This article introduces the 15th Residential Area of Tama New Town in Japan , focusing on its development ideology , model of project organization and design concept .

  7. 其他上榜的著名欧洲地标包括价值650亿英镑的米兰多摩大教堂和价值460亿英镑的马德里普拉多博物馆。

    Other famous European landmarks on the list included the Duomo cathedral in Milan worth £ 65 billion , Madrid ` s Prado Museum worth £ 46 billion .

  8. 据估计,多摩单爪为车站提升了1000万美金的收入,保证贵志站在近来的任何时候都不会关闭。

    It is estimated that Tama has single-pawedly raised over $ 10 million for the station , guaranteeing that Kishi won 't be closed any time in the near future .

  9. 在日本东南部有一个小车站——“贵志站”,这个低调不起眼的小站因为猫站长多摩而成了大日本铁路系统中独一无二的车站。

    In southeast Japan , there is a small train station called Kishi Station . This tiny , unassuming blip in the great Japanese railway system is unique because of its station master : a cat called Tama .

  10. 最后多摩年岁渐高无力胜任职务(包括操纵电话亭,打盹,注视人群),铁路公司另有准备:站长最近将收入一枚新学徒——一只名为尼多摩的年轻猫咪。

    When Tama eventually becomes too old to handle his duties ( which consist of manning a small booth , napping and glaring at people ) , the railway company has prepared : The station master recently gained a new apprentice , a young cat called Nitama .

  11. 部长被这一请求动摇,当他见到多摩时,恍然大悟,认定了它是自己乃至整个车站的幸运之神,就这样,他让多摩住进车站,成为贵志站的站长。

    The president was moved by the request , and when he saw Tama , something clicked . He immediately decided the cat was his - and the station 's - good luck charm and , just like that , swore Tama in as Kishi 's new station master .