
  • 网络Multi arm caliper;multi-finger caliper;MFC
  1. 基于OpenGL的多臂井径仪三维成像系统的设计

    Design of 3D Imaging System for Multi-arm Caliper Logging Tool Based on OpenGL

  2. 与常规的井径仪相比,新型的多臂井径仪测量得到的信息更全面,资料的成像处理效果更直观。

    Compared with other conventional caliper meters , data recorded by the new multi-arm caliper tool are more comprehensive and the imaging effects are also more visible .

  3. 多臂井径测井仪是获得油水井套管变形程度的重要工具,利用最优化方法对井径仪所获得的数据进行解释,给出了套管变形截面的近似偏心圆的圆心、最大通径和有效通经。

    The multifinger logging tool is an important tool acquiring casing deformation degree of water-oil well , The data that logging tool acquiring is interpreted by optimization method , circular center , maximum diameter and efficient diameter of approximate eccentric circle for deformation section are given .

  4. MSC-36多臂井径成像测井仪通过仪器的36个测量臂与套管内壁接触,测量套管内壁的变化。

    The MSC 36-Arm Caliper Imaging Logging Tool measures the changes of inner wall of the casing by the 36 arms contact with casing internal wall .

  5. 该仪器由组合式井斜方位多功能测井仪和MSC-36多臂井径成像测井仪组合而成。

    The tool consists of a Combined Inclination Azimuth Multi-function Logging Tool and a MSC 36-Arm Caliper Imaging Logging Tool .