
  • 网络formation water resistivity
  1. 激发极化、自然电位、地层水电阻率三种方法组合测井,在测井解释时能够实现参数之间相互补偿,利于对地层情况的反演。

    The logging instrument , which is designed by using a combination of induced polarization , spontaneous potential and formation water resistivity , could implement inter-compensation among the parameters when logging interpretation .

  2. 视地层水电阻率法在测井解释中的应用

    The application of apparent formation water resistivity in log interpretation

  3. 确定泥质砂岩储层地层水电阻率新方法探索

    A New Method to Determine Formation Water Resistivity of Shaly-sand Reservoirs

  4. 高含水期地层水电阻率求取方法

    Determination of Formation Water Resistivity During the High Water-Cut Stage

  5. 抽油杆泵筒内流体压力变化规律水淹层地层水电阻率变化规律研究

    Study on the variation regularity of fluid pressure in a pump barrel

  6. 样本分类及其在地层水电阻率计算中的应用

    Sample Classification and Its Application in Formation Water Resistivity Calculation

  7. 地层水电阻率是确定储层含油饱和度的一个关键参数。

    Formation water electrical resistivity is a key parameter for confirming oil saturation of container rock .

  8. 一种校正泥浆侵入影响计算视地层水电阻率与含水饱和度的投影作图方法

    A Method of Project Mapping for Correcting Mud Invasion and Calculating Apparent Formation-water Resistivity and Water Saturation

  9. 非线性电阻分布特性视地层水电阻率正态分布分析及应用

    Analysis and application of characteristic parameters of normal probability frequency distribution map of apparent formation water resistivity

  10. 地层水电阻率是评价油(气)的极为重要的中间参数。

    The resistivity of the formation water is a very important intermediate parameter for oil / gas evaluation .

  11. 应用饱和度分析资料求解阿尔奇参数避开了求解地层水电阻率值的问题。

    Furthermore , determining Archie 's parameters using saturation analysis data allows it unnecessary to calculate resistivity of formation water .

  12. 视地层水电阻率与地化亮点值图板法(RwaM法)。实际应用表明效果较好,其解释符合率达到90%以上。

    The applied results of the above methods are good , their interpretation coincidence rate is over 90 per cent .

  13. 可以有效解决了水淹层定量评价中的地层水电阻率取值问题。

    We can resolve effectively the formation water resistivity value problem of the quantitative evaluation of the water flooded layer .

  14. 阿尔奇参数是受温度、泥质含量、地层水电阻率等多种因素的影响。

    On the other hand , Archie 's parameters are related to temperature , shale content and the resistivity of formation water .

  15. 以及应用自然电位测井曲线计算水淹层地层水电阻率。

    Use SP log in determination of flooding and how to compute resistivity of formation water in flooded zone are also described .

  16. 通过模拟水油层甲酸盐无固相泥浆侵入实验,得出了深侧向电阻率与孔隙度、地层水电阻率、泥浆电阻率的校正关系式。

    By simulating Formation Invasion experiment , the calibration relationship was obtained between deep-lateral resistivity and porosity , stratum water and slurry resistivity .

  17. 同时通过研究和实践证明用自然电位计算地层水电阻率的效果较差。

    At the same time , research and practice has proved that using natural potential to calculate the formation water resistivity is less effective .

  18. 地层水电阻率是测井解释中一个极其重要的参数,以纯地层条件推导的用于确定地层水电阻率的自然电位理论模型不适合泥质砂岩地层。

    The therical water saturation model in shaly sandstone is derived from HB equation under the consideration of many factors that affect the reservoir conductance .

  19. 利用常规测井解释方法,往往把水淹层解释为油层,这主要是由于水淹层内的地层水电阻率求不准。

    The flooded strata are often wrongly interpreted as oil layers by use of conventional log interpretation , mainly due to the formation water resistivity can not be determined accurately .

  20. 因为在计算中地层水电阻率是按求出的地层水矿化度计算的,用求出的阳离子交换量进行了粘土影响校正,故计算的地层含水饱和度就较为准确了。

    Because the formation water resistivity is obtained from the gained formation salinity and clay effect is corrected with the gained cation exchange capacity , the formation water saturation is accurate .

  21. 东西凹陷带井的储层孔隙度、地层水电阻率及含水饱和度低,为气层或气水层。

    And those at the east and west seg belts are gas-bearing or gas - and water-bearing strata , being of low porosity , low formation water resistivity and low water saturation .

  22. 利用自然电位测井资料确定含油气泥质砂岩地层水电阻率时,必须考虑阳离子交换容量和含油气饱和度的影响。

    When determining the resistivity of formation water with SP logs , the influences of the hydrocarbon saturation and the changes of the cation exchange capacity of formation should be taken into account .

  23. 选井进行测井解释,中央隆起带各井储层孔隙度、地层水电阻率及含水饱和度高,为水层;

    In light of log data , the reservoirs in various wells at the central uplift belt are water-bearing strata , being of high porosity , high formation water resistivity and high water saturation ;

  24. 该方法不用水层而直接求出地层水电阻率,并且计算结果与实际测试符合较好,具有准确、简便的特点。

    This method determines the formation water electrical resistivity without using the layer of water , besides , the results of calculation accord well with the practical testing with the characteristics of nicety and convenience .

  25. 理论分析和实验结果证实,钻井过程中,当淡水泥浆滤液电阻率相对于原始地层水电阻率大到一定程度时,油层的电阻率侵入剖面中才可能出现低阻环带;

    Theoretical analysis and experimental results have proved that annulus zone with low resistivity exists if the resistivity of fresh mud filtrate , compared with that of initial formation water , is higher than a certain value .

  26. 建立泥质含量模型,孔隙度模型,渗透率模型,含水饱和度模型,及束缚水饱和度计算模型,并确定了各计算模型中相应参数和地层水电阻率参数。

    We set up the shale content model , porosity calculation model , permeability calculation model , the water saturation model and the irreducible water saturation modle , and determine the parameters in the shale and the parameter of the formation water resistivity .

  27. 与传统的测井仪相比,该组合测井仪更为准确地获得地层水电阻率和极化率等参数,对评价油田水淹层,求解剩余油饱和度具有重要意义。

    Compared with the traditional logging , it could obtain more accurate relative parameters as for instance in formation water resistivity and polarizability . And it is of great significance to evaluate the flooded layer of oil filed and solve the remaining oil saturation .

  28. 针对该区地层水电阻率多变等实际情况,在明确地层水在平面及纵向的分布规律之后,综合应用多种方法计算了地层水电阻率,并重点开展了测井精细解释研究。

    In accordance with the changeableness of formation water resistivity , the resistivity is calculated by comprehensively using of multi methods on the basis of clear understanding of formation water distribution both laterally and vertically , and fine logging interpretation has been performed as a focal point .

  29. 利用改进的自然电位模型进行的实例计算结果表明,该模型可以有效地用于确定泥质砂岩地层的地层水电阻率。

    The calculation example shows that the resistivity of formation water in shaly sand can be effectively determined with the improved SP model .

  30. 根据大量的岩心实验数据,确定了自然电位和激发极化电位理论模型定量求解地层水矿化度(地层水电阻率)、地层阳离子交换量方法。

    Based on large number of core experiment data , a method for quantitatively deriving formation water salinity ( formation water resistivity ) and capacity of cation exchange of the theoretical model of spontaneous potential and induced polarization potential is established .