
dì jiè
  • Boundary;abuttals;dependency;the boundary of a piece of land;butts and bounds
地界 [dì jiè]
  • (1) [abuttals;the boundary of a piece of land]∶两块土地之间的分界线

  • (2) [butts and bounds]∶房地产的界址

  • (3) [dependency]∶地方

  • 这里是北京地界

地界[dì jiè]
  1. 那道篱笆曾是我和她的房产之间的地界。

    The fence marked the boundary between my property and hers .

  2. 我们快到蛮荒地界了。

    We were reaching the limits of civilization .

  3. 军队同意驻扎在特定地界内,以避免冲突。

    Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations

  4. 苏格兰法院裁定,将停在私人地界上的车辆上夹钳并索要罚款的行为是违法的。

    Courts in Scotland have ruled it illegal to clamp a car parked on private ground and then to demand a fine .

  5. 这个工厂的地界扩展到河边。

    This factory expands to the riverside .

  6. 孔子周游列国时,在陈蔡地界被当地人团团围住,师徒一行人连续七天没吃到一点粮食。

    When Confucius was traveling around all the states , he was once surrounded by crowds in Chen Cai district , and had not eaten a thing for seven days .

  7. 以KPI(关键绩效指标)为核心的企业绩效考核体系是指在科学、合理地界定KPI基础上实现绩效考核目标的过程。

    The KPI ( key performance indicators ) as the core of the enterprise performance evaluation system is a scientific and reasonable definition of performance appraisal based on the KPI goal .

  8. 伯24:2有人挪移地界、夺群畜而牧养。

    Some remove the landmarks ; They seize and devour flocks .

  9. 挪移邻舍地界的,必受咒诅。

    Cursed is the man who moves his neighbor 's boundary stone .

  10. 午夜时分,这个荷兰人进入了公墓地界。

    At midnight , the Dutchman came within site of the graveyard .

  11. 南朝鲜会打击公约地界。

    The South Koreans respond with a strike at the d.m.z.

  12. 这个工厂的地界扩展到了山脚下。

    The factory expands to the foot of the mountain .

  13. 美耶昆,拉昆,并约帕对面的地界。

    And mejarkon , and rakkon , with the border before japho .

  14. 他们从未见过如此广阔的地界,如同没有边际的绿毯。

    It is like a green carpet that never ends .

  15. 如何准确地界定种和鉴定种对生物学家们来讲仍然是个难题。

    Accurate species delimitation and identification is a challenging problem for biologists .

  16. 定位系统追踪到信号是来自你家地界�

    and GPS tracked it to inside your property lines .

  17. 你先祖所立的地界,你不可挪移。

    Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your forefathers .

  18. 这么说来,你可就不在自家地界上了。

    Well , you 've wandered away from home .

  19. 别再闻人我的地界了。

    Don 't come trespassing on my land again .

  20. 水坝周边的地界,被人颇为随意地以贾瓦伊河的名字命名。

    The land around the dam is known informally by the river 's name .

  21. 地界争端导致暴力冲突,常有人死亡

    Boundary disputes are violent , often deadly .

  22. 那位淘金者立桩标出他的地界。

    The gold miner staked out his claim .

  23. 这矿工用桩标出他的地界。

    The miner staked off his claim .

  24. 已过幽州三百五十里,前面就是契丹的地界了。

    We are350 miles past the province of Yu the Khitan boarder is just ahead .

  25. 农场主声称他开枪射击那些人是因为他们侵入他的地界偷猎。

    The farmer claimed that he shot the men because they were poaching on his land .

  26. 一些鸽子似乎用汽车高速公路交叉点和地界标来回忆起它们处在哪里。

    It seems that some pigeons use motorway junctions and landmarks to remember where they are .

  27. 禁止进入指定的地界。

    Barred to a designated group .

  28. 铁路地界以内的山坡地由铁路运输企业进行整治。

    Hill slopes within the railway line 's right-of-way shall be conditioned by the railway transport enterprise .

  29. 在第五章中,我们简单地界定了企业经理人与债权人之间的一维不对称信息,并在这一基础上分析了不对称信息下的最优破产制度设计。

    I firstly define the one-dimensional asymmetric information between the manager and the investors in chapter five .

  30. 对应聚类的分析手段可以有效地界分政府投资领域的选择问题。

    The analyses of corresponding clustering can be used to the choose problem of scopes of government investment .